Anonymous ID: 14c2f1 April 29, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.8965326   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fire up those meme, anons!!!


not only have we taken down the star wars chat group (but not until next month), rumor has it that we're going to btfo sonic the hedge hog!!! barr has 400,000 sealed indictments waiting on all your favorite video games.


le epic WINNING!!!

it won't stop.


so so many indictments. and fisa stuff too. soon. it's so going to happen. and huber is empanneling grand juries in utah right now. way bigger than you can possibly imagine. i know you're all still in shock over the star wars video games, but just wait till we take down sonic the hedge hog in 2023. those three and a half years of agonized waiting and working the internet and friends and family and associates was so worth it. not only do we look like total and complete idiots to everyone, but there's WAY more in store.


but don't get your hopes up too high. barr will probably decline prosecution of sonic the hedgehog. it's part of the plan, see. and the plan is to totally and completely demoralize each and every one of you…until we cart you off to gitmo for thinking the first amendment was still en force.


congrats, qbrigade. you've done it! it was all worth it.