Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.8755082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5105

Baker, can these 2 from lb that were missed be added without having to repost everything?





Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek - How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.8755193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226 >>5267 >>5271 >>5320 >>5379 >>5389 >>5496 >>5552 >>5682 >>5805

Rep. Ilhan Omar: 'The time to nationalize healthcare and the supply chain is now'


Far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) issued a rallying cry to her fellow socialists on Friday, declaring that America's time of crisis amid the coronavirus pandemic shows "the time to nationalize healthcare and the supply chain is now."


What are the details?


"Big corporations may not want to produce necessary items because it's not profitable for them," the congresswoman said in a video posted on social media, arguing that "profits are always placed above people."


"We, as a federal government, we have the proper tools to deploy," Omar continued. "And it's deplorable, really, and unconscionable that every single tool that we have is not being deployed right now."


Rep. Omar, a supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate and avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), added, "It is important for us to nationalize the supply chain. It's important for us to take action in nationalizing our health care system."


In a tweet promoting the video, Omar wrote, "The time to nationalize healthcare and the supply chain is now."


Omar's message was met with praise from some and ridicule from others.


One supporter suggested, "Get Bernie to mobilize the movement into a general strike. Or call the Senate and House reps by the millions asking for specific policies. Public pressure must be used."


Another proponent of Omar's agenda declared, "Healthcare is a human right. Universal healthcare will save money and lives, and prepare us for national health emergencies."


But critics also came out in droves. One wrote, "So a full Communist takeover, seizing the 'means of production.' No thanks. And we need to go back to when we threw Communists in jail for attempting to do just that."


A second critic replied, "The government can't pass a bill to provide struggling Americans monetary relief in a timely manner. But sure, let's hand them our entire healthcare system."


Another asked, "Ok, so hypothetically, if we nationalize the supply chain, who should be in charge of it? You and your colleagues who have never actually produced or contributed anything of value? No thanks, I trust the people who built their businesses more than those who aim to steal."

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.8755257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5344 >>5379 >>5552 >>5682 >>5685 >>5805

RINO Indiana Governor To Churches: Worship As I Say Or Be Shut Down


Long Article.

Short Excerpt:

His requirements are not only unconstitutional because they trespass on the constitutionally secured individual right to worship, but they are discriminatory because they place restrictions on churches that do not apply to other organizations, groups of people, and establishments. The governor is telling Christians how worship must be done and with stricter rules than for all other public gatherings.


In addition to limiting church services to gatherings of 10 or fewer people, his administration made these edicts for the services themselves (emphasis added):


To continue safely serving their communities, faith institutions are directed as follows:


Church buildings and other physical locations for worship should be closed.

Livestream or other virtual services are best.

The minimum number of necessary personnel should be used at all times for any services.

Staff and volunteers who are not speaking should wear masks.

Drive-in services may be conducted only under these conditions:

Attendees must be inside vehicles at all times.

Attendees should not interact physically with clergy, staff or participants in other vehicles.

Vehicles should contain only members of a single household. Do not bring your neighbors or others outside of your household.

Cars must be spaced the equivalent of every other parking spot or approximately 9 feet apart.

No one may exit a vehicle at any time.

Portable bathrooms are not allowed on the premises and no church facilities may be used by attendees.

It is preferred that no communion be distributed.

In instances when communion is distributed, only prepackaged communion may be used and must be prepared and distributed in a manner that meets food safety standards.


The following individuals who are vulnerable and at higher risk for illness should not attend:


Persons who are 65 years and older.

Those who have severe underlying medical conditions, like heart or lung disease or diabetes.

Individuals who are sick.


Remainder of article here:

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.8755322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682 >>5805

Los Angeles County Extends Stay-At-Home Order Through May 15


Los Angeles County on Friday extended its stay-at-home and nonessential business closure orders through May 15, a little more than a week before it was set to expire.


The county has recorded 8,430 new COVID-19 cases, including 241 deaths, according to the county Department of Public Health. Officials said the numbers show the county has "flattened the curve" with social distancing practices but that lifting the order would quickly reverse any progress made. It was set to expire April 19.


"If you were to reduce physical distancing to the pre-health officer order levels, virtually all individuals in Los Angeles County, 95.6 percent per the model, would be infected by the pandemic by Aug. 1, 2020," said Dr. Christina Ghaly, the county's director of health services, according to Fox News affiliate KTTV-TV. "That number is starkly reduced, down to about 30 percent, if we maintain the current levels of physical distancing."


Some, however, have still flouted the order and are choosing to gather in large groups. Defiant crowds were recently seen at so-called street takeovers where illegal stunt driving takes place and beaches, which were closed to slow the spread of the coronavirus.


Closures of public spaces, including parks, hiking trails and beaches will stay off-limits through the order, which now requires anyone entering an essential business to wear a face covering.


The Public Health department also urged residents to avoid leaving their homes for groceries and medications and have the items delivered instead, according to the news outlet


The announcement comes as the Trump administration makes reopening the U.S. economy a top priority while some regions – like New York City – are still battling with the pandemic. He said he will convene an "Opening our Country" task force April 14, which will be comprised of doctors and business leaders.


"I want to get it open as soon as possible,” Trump told reporters at Friday's briefing with members of the White House task force. "This country was meant to be open and vibrant and great.”

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:32 p.m. No.8755424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5552 >>5682 >>5805

Gun-Rights Groups Sue Massachusetts Over Gun Store Shutdowns


A collection of gun-rights groups filed a federal suit on Thursday against Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker (R.) challenging his order to close gun stores.


The gun-rights activists said the governor's shutdown order violates the Second Amendment by effectively banning the lawful purchase of guns and ammunition in the state. They asked the United States District Court for Massachusetts to strike down the order and allow gun stores to reopen.


"Defendants' acts prohibiting the operation of any and all consumer-oriented firearms businesses operates to completely prohibit law-abiding individuals from purchasing ammunition, and to effectively prevent most of them from purchasing firearms," the complaint says. "Independently and collectively, these acts stand as a perpetual bar on acquiring firearms and ammunition for the purpose of protecting one's self and family (or indeed, for any other lawful purpose)."


The suit is the latest in a string of cases across the country challenging the closure of gun retailers in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The outcome could determine how far the emergency powers of state and local officials extend and where they butt up against constitutional rights.


The federal government has attempted to prevent such legal battles by adding gun stores, ranges, and manufacturers to its "essential business" list in coronavirus guidelines provided to state and local officials. That designation led Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Los Angeles County, and Wake County, N.C., to reverse previous closure orders. Massachusetts, which allowed gun stores to remain open in the first weeks of the outbreak, removed gun stores from its "essential" business list just days after the Department of Homeland Security updated the federal recommendations.


Gun-rights groups have argued gun stores are "essential" and should be allowed to remain open during the pandemic.


"Closing gun stores and preventing citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights is not the way to fight a viral pandemic," said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, which is a plaintiff in the Massachusetts case.


The shutdown order has angered local activists and led the Massachusetts-based group Commonwealth Second Amendment to join the suit. Spokesman Brent Carlton compared closing gun stores to shuttering media outlets. "The Baker administration can no more block exercise of the Second Amendment by preventing Massachusetts residents from purchasing firearms than the Trump administration can limit the First Amendment by closing the New York Times or CNN," he said.


Adam Kraut, director of legal strategy for plaintiff Firearms Policy Coalition, said the shutdown order violates the principles that Massachusetts was founded upon.


"During the Massachusetts ratifying convention, Samuel Adams proposed an amendment guaranteeing that the constitution would not prevent peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. Yet, the modern-day Massachusetts government seeks to do just that," he said.


Baker's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Second Amendment activists have achieved mixed results in the legal battle against shutdowns. Two federal judges have refused to block shutdowns in California. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied efforts to prevent Governor Tom Wolf (D.) from shutting down stores. Gun-rights activists have enjoyed some success when government officials move beyond retailers and attempt to shut down the permit process used in gun sales. In March, a North Carolina judge forced Wake County sheriff Gerald Baker (D.) to reopen the pistol purchase permit process following a lawsuit from activists.


Gun-control groups have advocated for forced closures in recent weeks. Everytown for Gun Safety and Brady United both issued memos encouraging government officials to ignore the federal guidance and shut down gun sales during the pandemic.


Second Amendment activists have vowed to keep fighting shutdown orders that target gun shops.


"There is no COVID-19 exception in the Constitution, and even this crisis has constitutional limits," Kraut said.

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.8755576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5591 >>5682 >>5692 >>5805

Northam Strikes Again on Friday, First 5 Gun Control Bills, then this:


Virginia Governor Announces Signing of Extreme Abortion Bill on Good Friday


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced on Good Friday that he signed into law a bill his new Democrat majority rushed to approve, one that repeals most restrictions on abortion in the state.


Northam minimized the extremity of the Reproductive Health Protection Act, referring in a press release to the restrictions on abortion that are now repealed as “anti-women’s health laws.”


“No more will legislators in Richmond—most of whom are men—be telling women what they should and should not be doing with their bodies,” Northam said in an accompanying statement. “The Reproductive Health Protection Act will make women and families safer, and I’m proud to sign it into law.”


Senate Bill 733 and House Bill 980, which are identical pieces of legislation, rescind the required 24-hour waiting period, ultrasound, and counseling prior to having an abortion.


In addition, the measures allow non-physicians to perform abortions and roll back building safety standards in abortion clinics that are required of other outpatient facilities, restrictions Northam and Democrats say are used to force closures of abortion facilities and block access to the procedure.


Democrats said all of the abortion restrictions are unnecessary and make access to abortion more burdensome.


Catherine Glenn Foster, president & CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), referred to the legislation as “horribly destructive,” and one that “will undermine the role of law to protect and guide.”


Foster said in a statement sent to Breitbart News:


This bill lowers the basic, common sense health and safety standards that abortion facilities must meet, degrades women’s care, and will result in unsafe abortionists operating with even more impunity.


The bill eliminates reflection periods for women seeking an abortion while denying vulnerable women the full truth on what abortion means, what abortion is, and what abortion does.


The most heartbreaking part of this travesty to me personally is its repeal of the lifesaving ultrasound requirement in Virginia. When I went in for my abortion, scared and only 19 years old, I was denied the option to see the ultrasound of my baby. I asked, but the abortion worker said no. Now women all over the commonwealth of Virginia will be denied that basic right as well. It would have changed the course of my life. Women deserve better.


Let's talk about the Reproductive Health Protection Act and what a BFD it is. A thread. /1


— Jamie Lockhart (@jlock) April 10, 2020


Today, @GovernorVA Northam signed HB980/SB733 into law. The legislation removes the politically-motivated restrictions on abortion care in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It will take effect on July 1, 2020. /2


— Jamie Lockhart (@jlock) April 10, 2020


Northam, a pediatric neurologist, created a firestorm and ushered in a national debate about infanticide in late January 2019 when he defended the bill introduced by Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran that would permit terminating the life of an unborn child, even if a woman decides to abort as she is dilating.


Northam said, under the bill, if an infant survives abortion:


If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.


AUL’s Foster said Northam “should have been removed from office last year after he stated clearly and directly that when a child is born alive during an attempted abortion, she could be denied basic care and compassion, and left to die alone”:


He should have resigned from office a few days later when his racially insensitive actions came to light. Since neither his indifference towards the lives of newly born infants nor towards his fellow, minority citizens were enough to make Gov. Northam make the decent choice to leave office, we are now left with the devastating outcome that he has signed Virginia’s so-called “Reproductive Health Protections Act”—a fallacious name in every conceivable way since it only seeks to put women in more danger as it destroys community protections.


Virginia Sen. Jennifer McClellan (D), a sponsor of the legislation, said the extreme abortion measure “is about protecting Virginians’ health, rights, and basic dignity.”


Her colleague in the House, Majority Leader Charniele Herring, said, “Simply, this bill rolls back restrictions that are not evidence-based … I’m glad to see this bill signed into law.”

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8755614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5641 >>5682 >>5805

Man Calls Out CNN Fake News, Claims They Used Footage of Him During HURRICANE For Chi-Com Virus Segment


Jeremy M. Jack, a sign language interpreter and businessman, called out CNN for using an image of him in footage about the Coronavirus outbreak in San Francisco.


But Jack says the footage actually shows Jack and others in Houston, Texas during Hurricane Harvey. Jack is not happy about it.


Jack posted on Facebook on March 13.

“Okay.. I have held my tongue about this COVID-19 insanity but after #CNN used MY face to report outright LIES that continue to incite the mass hysteria around this issue.. all bets are off! My son starts blowing up my phone today saying DAD you are on the news about the Corona Virus! I was completely confused.. so I find out that while reporting on the conditions in San Francisco as a result of the virus they used footage of ME and others during Hurricane Harvey in HOUSTON lined up outside of Kroger’s on Westheimer near the Beltway! CNN is using MY face to present misleading journalism that continues to seriously impact our economy and the every day decision making of the public. This is not okay.. do actual research for yourself. Get info from Health Organizations and local/national government. Take general safety precautions. Ignore the news..,” Jack wrote.


Recently, CNN was lambasted online when one of their on-air personalities appeared to suggest all Southerners are from Arkansas.


National File reported:


Female CNN pundit Ana Navarro, who is best known for attacking President Donald Trump and calling herself a “Nicaraguan-American,” landed herself in hot water Thursday when she appeared to imply she thinks Jeff Sessions is from Arkansas.


“Have spent two days in Arkansas,” Navarro wrote. “Had forgotten how dang warm, like-able and genuinely nice people from the South can be.”


The female pundit continued, “For the life of me, I don’t know how they gave us the likes of Jeff Sessions.”


Navarro, who has “this is my country. I’m not going back anywhere” in her Twitter bio, was pilloried online for her apparent inability to distinguish people born across the South from being born in Arkansas.

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.8755688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5715 >>5747 >>5805

Crazed Michigan Governor Now Tells Home Depot to Shut Down Unnecessary Flooring, Tiles and Garden Centers


In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from coronavirus.


Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks have are widely used by doctors the world over to treat the coronavirus.


Democrat lawmaker Karen Whitsett said she had to beg for hydroxychloroquine that saved her life because her tyrannical governor limiting access to the drug with an executive order!


Now the far left governor is banning travel between homes for Michigan residents!

So kids can no longer play at their friends’ house.


Families cannot travel for Easter.


And now the Democrat governor is calling on Home Depot and Lowes to shut down to close certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries.


This governor is insane!


Via FOX17:


Not all Michigan lawmakers voted in favor of it. Some of them say it’s hurting businesses who may have to close for good.


“Now is not the time to pull back at all, it is the time to identify. That’s exactly what we’re doing,” said Whitmer during a press briefing on Thursday. “This doesn’t mean that everything is going to go back to normal on the 30th. However, we do know for the next 3 weeks we have to take these important actions.”


There are new rules for companies to limit exposure to others. The governor also wants big box stores to close certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries.


Sure enough there are already photos from Home Depot showing their roped off sections.

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.8755843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862

Northam and Whitmer are in a head to head race to try to see who can get to the marxist line first.


Seems like Dims, Socialists and Marxists are just pulling out all the stops and are openly and blatantly challenging the Constitution. Citizens of those states (and there are others closing in) should be up in arms over these moves by their dictator governors.

Anonymous ID: 844726 April 10, 2020, 10:18 p.m. No.8755923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5941

I would love to see the whole cornucopia of colluding, corrupt politicians, pedos, corrupt pedos, be paraded on TV and made to apologize to the American public for their crimes. I don't care if they don't mean it because they won't, but it will shame all but the worst of them.


….For all the world to see…