Anonymous ID: c2b647 April 10, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.8755180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5198 >>5209 >>5293

'''Potent update:


Israel''' ordered US media to hyper-focus on the impeachment they knew would fail, so they could incubate & release their Virus.


Nancy pelosi waited for the first infected person to enter America, to deliver their biggest news hitting event.


Israel has such a reliable strong hold on our narrative, that they use it as a fog of war to manipulate our elections.Think that over.


MOSSAD orders MOCKINGBIRD talking points


They changed the political landscape to suit their goal of "President Biden".

Trump: "[Doctors gearing up to treat infected patients, and soldiers going into a war zone] to me they're the same thing""The silent/invisible enemy."


"This is a military operation"Trump is easing us into the reality that Mossad openly made the first shot in this War.


Jews launched a bio-nuclear attack against the world.We call it the China virus.


Fact: The Wuhan PS4 BioLab released the virus. Created by Jew Dr. Charles Lieber.


Fact: The Rothschild Pirbright Institute knew about the virus before 2007.


Fact: It was engineered for rapid spread - contagious without symptoms for 14 days.


Fact: The Wuhan lockdown was a calculated explosion of viral attack vectors. The MOS inoculated the city, they waited for their Petri dish to reach a certain contamination level then alerted their viral carriers that the city will be locked down in a few days. This forced half the inoculated city to spread out like an explosion across Israel and the World.


Fact: Due to the totalitarian control of Communism, George Soros the Jew personally ordered this terrorism to be unleashed.


Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.


Fact: The reports released by Mossad MSM are carefully tailored to reduce criticism.


Fact: Bill Gates launched a bio-nuclear attack against the world.We call it the China virus to remind us we're in this together, against the worlds Silent Enemy.


The monster Jew has struck.They will strike again.


==Fact: Jews favors "using barbarians to attack barbarians".


==Fact: Zionist Jews is behind Iran.


Fact: MOSSAD is behind the Muslim Brotherhood.


Fact: Zionists are behind the drug cartels.


Fact: MOSSAD actively coordinates with the Democratic Party.


Fact: JEWS own the EU, and UN.


Fact: Israel is behind the fermented hatred for China. They want Americas' wedge into Europe eradicated, and personally fund the IRGC of Iran to accomplish this.


Fact: JEWS goes through great measures to coerce us away from seeing their influence; Their insideous plans. "Deflection, ommision, denial, and abuse."


Fact: MOSSAD hates Trump.


Fact: MOSSAD manipulates our media.


Fact: Israel is behind the 5G fear propaganda. It's coming, but they don't want America to pave the way. They want to own the infrastructure of tomorrow. They backdoor devices. They want to be the ones who can turn the devices into spy&kill switches.






>Worth 43 minutes of your time.

>FAKE NEWS WILL NEVER REPORT.>Important to understand going forward.


Fact: JEWS are at war with the World.

Anonymous ID: c2b647 April 10, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.8755355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5415

Why Do Jews Want To Kill Us Gentiles?



President Trump called President Xi to tell him personally that he had Dr. Lieber Arrested. This is moar significant that most people realize.



He would make Hundreds of $Billions of Dollars. Mark of the Beast.



Wuxi Has American laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota…


I think it will come out that Dr. CHARLES LIEBER created the Wuhan Corona virus.

*That's why POTUS called Xi to personally tell him about (((Dr. Lieber)))s arrest.


(1949 Jews Funded the Marxist Communist Takeover of China)

Anonymous ID: c2b647 April 10, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.8755402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5416 >>5432

The Jewish Wrap-Up Smear


Any Anon who posts Truth about Jewish Cabal Crimes gets the Jewish Gaslighting Smear -

First the Jewish Propaganda clown shill will smear Anons with :


Russian bots, didn't work


spambot, bot bot bot, didn't work


"muh joooos", disguise the "Jew", didn't work


"Mohamed", didn't work


"works for brock", nonsensical, didn't work


"media matters", illogical, didn't work


quasem, your general, unknown to Americans (prior to the Hand kek), didn't work


"iranian", didn't work


"IRGC", unknown, didn't work


"clown", didn't work

then back to

"mason", didn't work



When OUTED As a "Q IS A PSYOP" Shill

"clown shill", didn't work


"anjel", didn't work

then Ad Hominem REeeee attacks

"cunt","disgusting", didn't work


"you're trained by professionals to be on this board", Projection, didn't work


"Anjel G", didn't work


"gore meme folder", nonsense, didn't work


"drunk clown, beer@the parade (100% certain)", totally wrong, didn't work


random "Bible phrases", still not "blending in"


"we're" United with Q, phony, didn't work


"CCP", Americans don't use this term, only Israelis

now with the China virus, it's

"China controls the EU and UN"

"China foments hate against Israel"

China owns the media


Jews Are Terrified Of The 63 Million AMERICANs Who KNOW About Jewish Subversion & Crimes


That's why the Israeli and Sayanim Jews always try to trick you, "as if" no American Patriot anons could possibly post any Truth About Jewish Cabal Crimes.  must be them foreigners, not American Trump supporters.


The Stupidest trick so far, is "reverse psychology"- saying that it's "JIDF" who is posting Truth about Jewish Organized Subversion. That's like saying a Pedophile would identify himself.


Jews desperately cling to the delusion that President Trump "stands with Jews" "supports Israel" as if POTUS places Israel above  America, revealing that they're Israeli shills.


Israelis are clueless that this is POTUS' best Sun Tzu strategy yet. It's brilliant.


'''Who Else Can The Jewish Shill Blame?

call anons …

iranian bot?

mason media matters?

mohamed goat bigot?

JIDF gore folder?

Chink bitch commie?

Anonymous ID: c2b647 April 10, 2020, 9:47 p.m. No.8755568   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If this unsauced twat was from any other celeb, even a pro-Trump celeb, it wouldn't be taken as gospel, and posted in every bred.


but A PORN WHORE, wells, it must be important, who needs sauce when it's from a former Porn Star.

Anonymous ID: c2b647 April 10, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8755613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5624 >>5850


I was just reading a blog today on how to make HomeMade Tonic Syrup. (for Gin & Tonic)


It's simple, just buy Cinchona Bark, sugar, water, lime juice, …

Just look it up, you'll see recipes.