Anonymous ID: 3725d5 April 10, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.8756040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An anon asked me to send these images again as ‘jpg' and not ‘jpeg' because jpeg disappear once they are archived.


Might be a good idea to mention this in the request top of each board.

The ‘why' often makes people act on the request, otherwise it just looks arbitrary.


Further to that request, I didn’t post the originals, just the repost and my apologies, I didn’t check the file names.


Nevertheless, here they are again.

And before those anons that attacked the pics as a slide, your rationales were way off so back off.


On Trump/Pence image, there are three separate reflections and I have coloured them pink, aqua and orange top and bottom to show where the reflections originate from. Very strange behaviour. As for the inserted amateurish writing, it is where the original poster pointed to it and I haven’t discussed that or changed anything about it.


On the Scavino pic and reflection, notice that the plane is pointing straight at Pence - see green line.

Thought that was interesting.


The reflection below Scavino is really odd.

I’ve done the same thing with the colours and made no correlation between the back/collar/head person in the reflection and the full back above and behind Scavino.

The reflection is not on an object like a coffee table or the like.

It is a photoshop drop in just created for the effect for whatever purpose.

Maybe someone was bored shitless on the day.