Anonymous ID: 4398eb April 10, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.8756027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposting from a ways back. Hopefully adding to clarity on the Trump administration's thinking re getting out of the C-virus trap.


Here's the text without the formatting in the caps:


Dr. Ben Carson says there is not enough attention being paid to the “number of people who have recovered” … {Well, that’s for sure! And we know why.}


Carson, … also said the “one-quarter to fully one-half of all people who will get SARS-CoV-2 will show no symptoms at all.” People have been terrified because we’ve paid attention to selected and untrustworthy statistics.


This new virus is an off-shoot of SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which emerged in 2003. This new one is less deadly but more infectious. In that 2003 outbreak, The WHO said the fatality rate was 14% to 15%, and estimated the fatality rate for people older than 64 years to be more than 50%. {So the World Health Organization should be pointing out that this Corona Virus is much less deadly.}


For this outbreak, Carson said Americans should continue practicing social distancing and wearing masks when in contained spaces, as well as following all the other guidelines from the White House coronavirus task force, of which he is a member.




1) Slow the spread – flatten the curve - so less people are getting CV and sick at once.

2) take pressure off of healthcare workers, leave them to help people most in need instead of freaking out treating cases that will cure themselves, even while experiencing non-life threatening symptoms.

3) This will help reduce the hysteria.

4) If time needed to produce enough of the proven medicine, will help provide that time too.

5) Gives time, if needed, to develop and apply appropriate testing, which will, in turn, help everyone make wise decisions.


The doctor also said that the federal government needs to watch for the infection curve to flatten off and for antibody testing to be readily available before fully reopening the economy.


“When we see that bell-shaped curve come down and not see it go back up, that’s what we are looking for here. That already seems to be starting.”


“…, we don’t want to resume economic activity too early. We will wait for a couple of weeks and see if that continues down, and then we also need to make sure that we have appropriate testing,”


“We have to be able to test people to see if they have the antibodies which will make them much safer in terms of returning to the workforce {return to work with confidence they are not at risk of catching the virus or spreading it}.


We should not operate out of hysteria. When people are hysterical they don’t do logical things. {Logical, fact based thinking is growing, takes time.}


We should return to productive functioning in a non-hysterical, logical way.

