Anonymous ID: 85fa62 April 10, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.8756054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6315 >>6580 >>6631 >>6690

Jeff Sessions: We’ve Got to Stand Up to the ‘China Lobby’


Many are willing to acknowledge from this point forward that Mainland China should be held responsible for its inaction and lack of transparency in dealing with the initial stages of the spread of the COVID-19/coronavirus, but should we hold those accountable that allowed for China to practice risky behaviors up until this point? The answer is yes, according to former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


During an interview with Huntsville, AL radio’s WVNN, Sessions, a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Alabama, argued it the “China lobby” wielding its influence in government and politics and that it was a must that it is confronted.


“This is basically what’s happened: Everybody has really known for years that there’s a China lobby,” Sessions explained. ” There are large numbers of big, big businesses that have huge investments in China. Whenever the United States stands up and complains about something in China, something that China has done wrong — these people start lobbying on behalf of China. China threatens to take strong action like it has threatened to quit buying farm products. But our strength as an economy is so much more than their strength. They have to sell in their markets. They have this huge trade surplus with the United States. They sell far more to us than they buy from us. And it’s this surplus that’s now allowing them to surge their military to a degree we’ve never seen before, as well as to advance their technology, which also supports their military in the years to come.”


“So yes, we’ve been weaken — we’ve got people in the United States that don’t realize the danger, who don’t speak on behalf of the American people’s interests but speak on behalf of their personal special interests. We’ve got to stand up to the special interest crowd. And I’ve done it. I know who they are. I’ve fought them.:

Anonymous ID: 85fa62 April 10, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.8756057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6071 >>6180 >>6205 >>6476 >>6638

Nikki Haley: Trump ‘Needs to Let His Experts Speak’ During Coronavirus Briefings


Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley says President Trump “needs to let his experts speak” during daily White House briefings on the Chinese coronavirus crisis.


During an interview, Haley suggested Trump give more speaking time to health experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx — both of whom speak on a daily basis at the briefings


Haley told Fox News:


The president is good to show up every day and let people know he’s on it, but I also think he needs to let his experts speak. Let them talk about it. I think he should go and set the tone. I think he should let them put out the data. I think they should answer any questions that the press has and then they should leave.


I don’t think they need to be too long. I don’t think he needs to feel like he has to answer everything. But I do think we have to hold his members of the task force accountable. I think what would be really good is for him to have a health report but also have an economic report at the same time.


In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, Haley recently resigned from the Boeing Board of Directors in protest of the corporation seeking financial assistance. As Breitbart News reported, Haley made more than $256,000 during her tenure at Boeing, even as the corporation struggled through the 737 Max scandal.

Anonymous ID: 85fa62 April 10, 2020, 10:37 p.m. No.8756078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6149 >>6173 >>6189

Virginia Governor Announces Signing of Extreme Abortion Bill on Good Friday


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced on Good Friday that he signed into law a bill his new Democrat majority rushed to approve, one that repeals most restrictions on abortion in the state.


Northam minimized the extremity of the Reproductive Health Protection Act, referring in a press release to the restrictions on abortion that are now repealed as “anti-women’s health laws.”


“No more will legislators in Richmond—most of whom are men—be telling women what they should and should not be doing with their bodies,” Northam said in an accompanying statement. “The Reproductive Health Protection Act will make women and families safer, and I’m proud to sign it into law.”


Senate Bill 733 and House Bill 980, which are identical pieces of legislation, rescind the required 24-hour waiting period, ultrasound, and counseling prior to having an abortion.


In addition, the measures allow non-physicians to perform abortions and roll back building safety standards in abortion clinics that are required of other outpatient facilities, restrictions Northam and Democrats say are used to force closures of abortion facilities and block access to the procedure.


Democrats said all of the abortion restrictions are unnecessary and make access to abortion more burdensome.


Catherine Glenn Foster, president & CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL), referred to the legislation as “horribly destructive,” and one that “will undermine the role of law to protect and guide.”


Foster said in a statement sent to Breitbart News:


This bill lowers the basic, common sense health and safety standards that abortion facilities must meet, degrades women’s care, and will result in unsafe abortionists operating with even more impunity.


The bill eliminates reflection periods for women seeking an abortion while denying vulnerable women the full truth on what abortion means, what abortion is, and what abortion does.


The most heartbreaking part of this travesty to me personally is its repeal of the lifesaving ultrasound requirement in Virginia. When I went in for my abortion, scared and only 19 years old, I was denied the option to see the ultrasound of my baby. I asked, but the abortion worker said no. Now women all over the commonwealth of Virginia will be denied that basic right as well. It would have changed the course of my life. Women deserve better.