I wondered who the limey was, been keeping a very low profile since stepping down hasn’t she.
I wondered who the limey was, been keeping a very low profile since stepping down hasn’t she.
Zionists are Zionists end of.
Are some Zionists Jews, yes.
Are all Jews Zionists, no
Do Zionists hide behind the cloak of the Jew, yes.
Do they consider the life of a Jew who isn’t a Zionist any more valuable than that of a non Jew who isn’t a Zionist, no.
So mindlessly attacking Jews without understanding the above is full blown retard, and you never go full retard.
Agreed, Africans are nutty as fuck but also some of the warmest and most big hearted people on the planet.
The Ivory Coast is beautiful and so are the people and I would definitely go back there to live not just another holiday.