Going back to Jill because she deserves justice
>Talks about Barry George, makes it sound like he's still guilty even after being acquitted, blames the dismissal of already flimsy evidence
>Blames the police for not fitting him up properly
>Continues the lie it was motiveless
>I got tired of reading his shit, he's still pinning it on Barry in any case
His leaps in logic are astounding
>Must have been an amateur cause "modified starter pistol and bullet"
>Ignores that UK gun laws very strict, most guns registered, less traceable, less noticeable than MI5 with a PPK
>Says killer escaped on foot, pretty sure it's easy to park down the road and walk to car, killer was hanging around, she was meeting her agent and had to collect something from her house.
It also looks almost line for line this https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-491452/Dando-murder-I-know-Barry-George-killed-friend-Jill.html
Can watch all the CP you want now Nicky ya amoral disgusting faggot
On the other hand in the article above
>Blames "ethnic communities" for crime
>Alludes to police not being racist enough
>Blames women dressing provocatively as reason for rape equating it to banks leaving sackfuls of cash outside the door.
>Says he'd watch CP
I think he may have been radicalised!