Azerite is also the name of a new mineral found on Azeroth in the latest WoW expansion.
Long ago, Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the titan Pantheon, ripped the Old God Y'Shaarj from the world's crust and tore it apart. The volatile arcane lifeblood of Azeroth's world-soul rushed to the surface and roiled over the world. It was through this event that the Pantheon realized that the Old Gods had embedded themselves too deep in Azeroth's surface to remove without severely harming the world-soul, and so they instead resolved to imprison the vile entities below the surface of the world. After the Old Gods and their elemental minions had been defeated and sealed in their prisons, the titans' most powerful servants — the keepers — set to work to seal the still-bleeding wound. After having labored day and night to construct magic wards around the wound, the tumultuous arcane energies eventually calmed and settled into balance, and the keepers named it the Well of Eternity.[3]
On Kezan before the Cataclysm, the Bilgewater Cartel dug deep enough into the earth that they were able to find and mine a small vein of Azeroth's blood. Jastor Gallywix fashioned it into the orb on his cane. He believes there is a possibility that this mining operation bears partial responsibility for the eruption of Mount Kajaro, and it may not have been solely the fault of the Cataclysm.[4]
After Sargeras stabbed Azeroth in Silithus, Azeroth began to bleed out across the world. The Alliance and Horde saw Azerite's potential as a power source and began to fight over it, while Magni Bronzebeard tasked an adventurer with gathering the blood and returning it to the world-soul to heal her.