mornin SFTlous
I spilled the beans in comms
czech it out
big secrets afoot
mornin SFTlous
I spilled the beans in comms
czech it out
big secrets afoot
that's just it, it was nothing
they are not laughing now, I'm sure
we got all the laughs
feels guud man
wnb took notes, damn, the house got to 90, no wonder i was melting, called him 2, took it out in the end, saw your wut? kek'd hard
AC on, back to sane, mostly
saw the wut, didn't know
hope your rain lets up
summer is on here
cool now, rain starts June
brushin up on Tito, been awhile
it is unfortunate tools are double edged swords, people use them to kill
I got it to work once
great for chasing Q's
too much learning curve for notables for me
moar dinosaur
thank you for bringing your idea forward and to fruition