Q! There is a good way to throw a wrench in the Cabal's election tampering plans. BALLOT RECEIPTS!
It should be mandated nationally that when you cast a ballot you should get a ballot receipt that gives you a ballot number and documents your choices.
The day after the election it should be required nationwide that the county clerk must post the election results for every voting precinct in an excel file that we can pull off of the county website. Open the excel file (so they don't know which ballot you're verifying) and find your ballot and verify the entries against your receipt. If they don't match then you can lodge it as a miscounted vote. This prevents them from throwing your ballot away. You can get a receipt for a stick of gum but not your ballot?
The Cabal cannot use the "voter suppression" argument to oppose this but it will really impinge on their fraud opportunity because they will have to overvote the precinct with fake ballots. It will be easy to catch them and there are no valid arguments against issuing ballot receipts.
Please use this idea.