Operation Megaphone
Calling all Writefags, Lawfags, Newsfags, SocialMediaFags, ALLfags and Anons in general to help anons prepare letters to News, Newspapers, and Local/State/Federal Representatives.
This is an attempt to make our voices heard on a massive scale. If done correctly "WE" should receive even MSM news coverage, which will blow their cover letting them know that WE will no longer tollerate FAKE_NEWS.
They mobilize in similar fashions to achieve their goals, TWO can play that game. And their are many more of US.
This is a call to CALL OUT any FAKE NEWS or other disinformation given to the people by "TRUSTED" sources.
This is to make it clear that if they would like to remain as a "TRUSTED" source they must prove that they are trustworthy.
If our voices are not heard WE are prepared to make MSM obsolete. More details will come regarding HOW…
Remember friends WE are the NEWS NOW! Our Voices are strong. Our Voices are Loud. Our Voices will be heard.
They can no longer silence us. They can no longer lie to us. WE have the ability to EXPOSE their lies.
#FACTSMATTER #ExposeFakeNews #Write4Rights #YourVoiceIsOurVoice #ShowThem #FactsNotFear #TogetherWeWin