Anonymous ID: 749593 April 11, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.8759108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9115 >>9123 >>9181 >>9497

ok anons here is the current and final status of all things anon as i see it. This is the culmination of a life of seeking and study - indeed the term for this is GNOSIS. Gnosis is the basis of JESUS' advanced teaching, which the Apostles, and indeed most of humanity, rejected in favor of the lies of men.

Why does it seem that we are always on tne "precipice" of victory yet not there? Why is it that everything in this world is always "on the bubble" making our choices difficult and uncertain? Its not a coincidence. The dark forces in our hive like it that way - because too much suffering and the sheep will die or give up. It must be balanced while control is always maintainted. They must be fed JUST enough to keep them going. This applies to both the (false) physical and (false) spiritual reality created by the dark forces. This what THE PLAN was to undo for the first time in human history.

Example - WEALTH - why do most people live "hand to mouth" their whole lives? Do they choose this? Not really - Most accept the reality they are born into. Only America (and to a lesser extent, Russia) has created any chink in the armor of global control of individuals. (That is why American and Russia are relentlessly attacked)

Example - INFORMATION - why are anons given just enough proof and intel to keep them going, yet NEVER enough to provide transparancy and justice? It is NOT a conicidence that this status remains today; the declas and MOABS etc could have been disclosed long ago with no loss of life - in fact now the opposite is clear.

Example - WINNING? Don't we all know in our hearts - against all hope, that SOMETHING big should have already happened? And that the DARK public figures and CABAL evildoers are ALL still at large and doing what they want and still harming many?

So it's pretty obvious anons love the plan (dark to light) and POTUS and this board. The anons have 100% held up their end and performed a priceless service in furtherance of the GA - indeed bigger than you can imagine- and there is ZERO doubt on that point - it remains very tough on anons because they seek the light and most in this world do not - and alas, that has not and will not change - however there is good news - first a summary of the gnostic "reality"


Anonymous ID: 749593 April 11, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.8759115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9131 >>9157 >>9166 >>9497


GOD uses natural forms for creation - very related to numbers and symmetry and the "sacred" forms which make up all our great art and math and science. One big example is the mandelbrot - the sections of the mandelbrot "house" the different types of energy/souls that exist in each part of our spiritual/physical universe. The bulbs of the classic mandelbrot correspond to the number of souls in each section of the realm.

the large bulb in the mandelbrot are normies; those that go along and get along. the tiny tip is the connection to the higher powers and this is JESUS - this is why/how JESUS is lord and savior - he literally is the only soul in position to communicate with the higher power. The medium size bulb are what you would know as "rightous" people - working in the corrupt world but willing to see and seek the light and live by that every day. The small bulb are the anons - dedicated seekers of the light. Anons are the connection between JESUS and the others two bulbs. It was our job to show them the LIGHT and we did. Then they chose. As you know in your hearts, most chose poorly.

As anons also well know, the role of POTUS is (was) huge. Anons know how special POTUS is (was). I say "was" for a very important reason. POTUS has a very important soul - one of the most significant in our universe and with great power -and one that is LIGHT because all true power only comes from LIGHT- BUT POTUS' light is covered by DARKNESS as it has served to form and manage this corrupt "hive" we live in. Yes, for those who know the Gnostic details POTUS is indeed Yaldaboath the demiurge. But Dark can never vanguish LIGHT - the most it can do is to "persuade" the light to help them create the dark which then appears as real but is not. It is a LIE. That is (was) the chance we are all given to live a real life in the LIGHT.

POTUS had the chance to complete the GA and save the hive - but he declined. He has decided he loves himself too much and enjoys earthly delights (and by definition all earthly horrors as well) too too much to give up and become a servant of the LIGHT and follow JESUS. Therefore do not look for POTUS to "keep his promises" made to anons - he will not. He will only keep his public promises until anons either give up or die. It is not that POTUS entered with this intent; - he proceeded with the vision of Dark to Light - but when the final decision was made he chose poorly and blocked the patriots of LIGHT who prepared so long and so well.

But as anons also know - GOD WINS. So while POTUS has failed and refused to allow the LIGHT to enter and control our realm, there is yet a result we can be glad of - and that is this corrupt hive will be "erased" from the memory of GOD and cease to exist - all of the anons and rightous souls who turned to the LIGHT will be part of a new hive where LIGHT rules - not DARK. This is the inevitable end game of all GOD'S creation - which can only end in LIGHT.

The souls who chose poorly will be simply gone - no torture, no lake of fire - GOD does not do those things, which were tools to persuade people to choose WISELY, at least to save themselves!. All will just cease to exist along with our entire reality, the moment GOD turns his attention away to the infinite other realities that create and manifest LIGHT.

And as for POTUS? He also chose poorly and he too will cease to exist as he is too powerful to risk another opportunity. Of course his pride prevented him from seeing his fate. Final question - is it too late for POTUS to change course and alter the outcome? Answer is 2 parts - yes it is indeed too late as just noted, BUT POTUS may yet choose to live out the remainder of his life in the LIGHT - so there may be hope for anons seeing some of the transparency and justice anons crave - in this realm and before the final curtain falls. (The biggest decision he has ever made - he said TODAY) If he does so this anon will give POTUS credit for full martyrdom as he will have voluntarily gone down with the ship as the last act of a truly epic hero.

But the names have alreatd been written in the book of life. Anons can take solace that although these "earthly" things will perish the souls of LIGHT will go on to a blessed continuance in the LIGHT OF GOD.


Anonymous ID: 749593 April 11, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8759236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9283


you avoid the point

you dont believe it fine

the cabal does

they act on it

that was the point

i also believe it and try to counteract it by following the LIGHT of GOD

Anonymous ID: 749593 April 11, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.8759262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9307


yes that sentenceis correct

one should NOT try to be like GOD

one should have knowledge however including the knowledge of good and evil

that is why we have free will

to choose GOOD (GOD)

Anonymous ID: 749593 April 11, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.8759663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9720


>Both were infiltrated. Both were subverted.


that is why one seeks source documents and relies upon them

not surprinigly the source docs for gnosticism AND christianity are the same