Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.8759550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9576

Should Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx be Criminally Charged? They Know the COVID-19 Victims are Elderly Seniors and Diabetics and Chose to Scare US Public Instead


Tens of millions of American workers will lose their jobs because of inept government officials and their bogus models.


For weeks now we have known that the victims of the coronavirus are elderly seniors with an AVERAGE age around 80, diabetics and the morbidly obese.


The doctors at the daily coronvirus press briefings know this disease affects elderly seniors and those with underlying health problems.


Why do they not stress this fact?


Doctors KNOW coronavirus affects only obese, sickly or diabetic Americans.


Less than 1% of coronavirus deaths are those Americans with NO underlying conditions.


In Italy 99% of the coronavirus victims were 60-years-old and older!


In Massachusetts where they release daily coronavirus numbers – only 2 of 96 coronavirus victims were under 60!

The average age of COVID-19 victim was over 76-years-old!


These facts are public knowledge.


But this is not what is reported to the American public.

If the American pubic knew that more 100-year-olds are dying than those under age 50 would they choose to shut down the economy?


Would the American public shut down the economy if they know that those under 30 are not dying from the disease except in very rare circumstances?


The American public is not being told the truth.


This is horrible injustice to those who will lose their income and security.


Will anyone be held accountable?

Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.8759560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9623 >>9762 >>9792

Top Pentagon Generals Warn Enemies Not To Attack As 150 Bases Impacted By COVID-19


With a growing number of reports showing the Pentagon absolutely getting pounded by coronavirus, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley issued a statement warning that US readiness remains intact, and that no nation should test the US.


This at a time that as AFP reports, 150 bases as well as aircraft carriers have been affected:


"We're still capable and we're still ready no matter what the threat," Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley said Thursday. "I wouldn't want any mixed messages going out there to any adversaries that they can take advantage of an opportunity, if you will, at a time of crisis," he added. "That would be a terrible and tragic mistake if they thought that."


t a time when coronavirus is creating all sorts of opportunities for cooperation and peace-making, the US military is going in the opposite direction, growling like a wounded beast at a time when it is struggling with the virus.


Obviously a reaction to reports of thousands of US military coronavirus cases, with hundreds on the USS Theodore Roosevelt alone, Milley’s insistence that the US remains ready rings hollow, as a desperate response to ships and bases which are clearly partially or wholly out of action because of the virus.

Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8759579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have even more control over what you see & what you think


Silicon Valley’s algorithms are controlling your cognitive map, and Congress is letting it happen. Covid-19 is providing the perfect cover to bolster that control — just in time for the 2020 election.


Neoliberalism was the perfect cover for oligarchs to unleash ideological warfare to protect the billions they’ve plundered from taxpayers.Trillions of dollars flowed into Silicon Valley, the birthplace of digital censorship — censorship that in many ways is more dangerous and insidious than the failed coup d'état of a sitting US president with the farcical Russiagate and impeachment hoax. Over the past two decades, democratic societies have been manipulated by Silicon Valley's unregulated big-tech behemoths, which now control the news flow and have weaponized Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Netflix, PayPal, Reddit, TikTok, Microsoft, Apple and the very dangerous Internet Of Things (sped along by 5G).


Hard proof is difficult to come by since you can never catch the tech giants red-handed. The way they purposefully conceal all their data and trademark algorithms only serves to reinforce the suspicions and the scattered evidence. But their motives have long been transparent in their own public statements and actions.


Covid-19 is the perfect diversion. While Congress busily passes more trillion-dollar bailouts for billionaires, big-tech stealthily ensures future generations become digital addicts who blindly accept and embrace, like sheep, the emergence of digital tyranny. Today’s college students stumble around like zombies in a trance, eyes glued to their mobile phones, afraid to “miss out” on real-time Instagram updates or TikTok’s latest memes. The development of 5G may result in a silent WWIII that ensures a quick demise of a zombified Western society without a single shot ever being fired.

Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 11 a.m. No.8759589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ali Mokdad- The Researcher Behind Shady IHME Coronavirus Study – Was Forced to Retract Major Study for CDC over Computational Errors


On Thursday, Dr. Ali Mokdad, a rep for the Bill Gates-funded IHME dodged questions about the low Coronavirus cases in Japan despite not doing “across the country lockdowns” like the U.S.


He didn’t answer the question because he has no answer.


The University of Washington IHME Center has been putting out numbers on the coronavirus pandemic for several weeks now… Each one was just as sketchy as the last.


It is important to note that the IHME models predicting hundreds of thousands of dead Americans had social distancing and total lockdowns baked into the projections.


TRENDING: Barack Obama Uses Coronavirus as Excuse to Push For 'Vote-by-Mail' in November


Americans were told that if they all stayed home and only went to the grocery store when necessary, over 200,000 would still die.


The IHME keeps revising their models because they have been WAY off — the latest projection model was revised downward from 2,000,000 projected deaths to about 60,000 deaths.


On Friday night Ali Mokdad joined Bill Hemmer on FOX News and announced that Washington, New York and California are going to start going down in their number of coronavirus deaths.


The IHME continues to adjust their models from extreme panic to something more reasonable with each passing day.

It is shocking to watch respected journalists and pundits still give this shady group any authority.


There isn’t much about Ali Mokdad’s biography. However, in 2005 he had to print a retraction in the Journal of the American Medical Association for overestimating deaths from obesity. His models were grossly exaggerated.


So why was he ever trusted?


Ali Mokdad’s “Actual Causes of Death in the United States, 2000,” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2005 was widely panned.

Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8759651   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Denmark to reopen schools next week, as European nations 'walk the tightrope' of easing coronavirus lockdowns


European countries will relax their coronavirus restrictions in a few days.


Multiple European countries will begin to relax some of their coronavirus lockdown restrictions, including Denmark reopening schools and day care centers next week, after experiencing several days of declining COVID-19 cases.


Denmark's schools and child care centers are set to reopen on April 15. Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced the Nordic country's plan to gradually soften restrictions earlier this week in a press conference.


"This will probably be a bit like walking the tightrope," Frederiksen said. "If we stand still along the way we could fall and if we go too fast it can go wrong. Therefore, we must take one cautious step at a time."


Denmark Health Minister Pernille Rosenkratz-Theil noted that schools that are not prepared will not be open to the public on Wednesday. "They will not be allowed to reopen until they can be sure that the rules are being complied with," Rosenkratz-Theil said. "It doesn't matter if it's one date or another one."


The ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in Denmark will continue until at least May 10, and the ban on large gatherings would remain in effect until August.


Frederiksen warned that the gradual lessening of restrictions would only happen if new coronavirus cases remain stable. She also reminded Danes that they still need to practice social distancing and hygiene.


Denmark was the second European nation, after Italy, to announce a lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. Denmark closed all restaurants, cafes, gyms, schools, and day care centers on March 11, despite having zero confirmed COVID-19 deaths at the time. Denmark also closed its borders to most foreigners starting on March 13.


Denmark has 260 coronavirus deaths and nearly 6,000 confirmed cases. New cases have declined for four straight days in the Scandinavian nation that has a population of 5.6 million.


Other European countries are also slowly easing restrictions. Austria will allow small shops of less than 4,305 square feet to return to business on April 14, followed by larger stores on May 1.


Based on how well the country is doing with new COVID-19 cases, Austria is targeting a mid-May timeline to allow restaurants, hotels, and schools to reopen. There will remain strict rules requiring people to wear masks, practice social distancing, disinfection requirements, and health checks on workers. Austrians must wear face masks at supermarkets, as well as while using public transportation. There will also be a limit as to how many people will be allowed in a store at one time. The earliest that public events could return is July.


Austria implemented a national lockdown on March 16, and the country's young leader credits the quick shutdown for the gradual reopening that will soon take place.


"We reacted faster and more restrictively in Austria than in other countries and were therefore able to prevent the worst from happening so far," the 33-year-old Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said at a press conference. "The quick and restrictive reaction now also gives us the opportunity to get out of this crisis faster."


Austria, which has a population of 9 million, has had nearly 1,400 confirmed cases and 337 deaths during the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.8759686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation


August 31, 2019


Fake news and social media posts are such a threat to U.S. security that the Defense Department is launching a project to repel “large-scale, automated disinformation attacks,” as the top Republican in Congress blocks efforts to protect the integrity of elections.


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants custom software that can unearth fakes hidden among more than 500,000 stories, photos, video and audio clips. If successful, the system after four years of trials may expand to detect malicious intent and prevent viral fake news from polarizing society.


“A decade ago, today’s state-of-the-art would have registered as sci-fi — that’s how fast the improvements have come,” said Andrew Grotto at the Center for International Security at Stanford University. “There is no reason to think the pace of innovation will slow any time soon.”


U.S. officials have been working on plans to prevent outside hackers from flooding social channels with false information ahead of the 2020 election. The drive has been hindered by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s refusal to consider election-security legislation. Critics have labeled him #MoscowMitch, saying he left the U.S. vulnerable to meddling by Russia, prompting his retort of “modern-day McCarthyism.”

Risk Factor


President Donald Trump has repeatedly rejected allegations that dubious content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google aided his election win. Hillary Clinton supporters claimed a flood of fake items may have helped sway the results in 2016.


How Russia Meddling Became Social Media’s Problem: QuickTake Q&A


“The risk factor is social media being abused and used to influence the elections,” Syracuse University assistant professor of communications Jennifer Grygiel said in a telephone interview. “It’s really interesting that Darpa is trying to create these detection systems but good luck is what I say. It won’t be anywhere near perfect until there is legislative oversight. There’s a huge gap and that’s a concern.”


False news stories and so-called deepfakes are increasingly sophisticated and making it more difficult for data-driven software to spot. AI imagery has advanced in recent years and is now used by Hollywood, the fashion industry and facial recognition systems. Researchers have shown that these generative adversarial networks – or GANs – can be used to create fake videos.

Anonymous ID: f73f23 April 11, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8759709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9739


ANALYSIS: The FBI Knew The Steele Dossier Contained Russian Disinformation Three Years Ago — Somehow It Never Leaked


At some point in 2017, the precise month is not clear, the FBI obtained evidence that Russian operatives fed disinformation to former British spy Christopher Steele.


That stunning revelation came on Friday, and not through a leak, as did so many of the anti-Trump and pro-Steele stories that have come out since the dossier was published in January 2017.


Instead, the disclosure was the product of an intense GOP-led fact-finding campaign to force U.S. intelligence officials to declassify information that the FBI had on Steele and his notorious dossier.


Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, the two Republicans who jogged loose the new information, noted the disparity in the type of information that has leaked out of the Trump-Russia investigation in the three-plus years since it began.


“For years, the public was fed a healthy diet of leaks, innuendo and false information to imply that President Trump and his campaign were part of a Russian conspiracy to spread disinformation,” they said in a statement upon the release of three footnotes from the Justice Department inspector general’s (IG) report on the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign.


The previously-classified footnotes said that an organization not identified in the IG report provided the FBI evidence that Russian operatives fed disinformation that wound up in the dossier.


The disclosure is another stunning blow to the reputation of the FBI, which made Steele’s dossier a “central and essential” component of its surveillance warrants against Carter Page.


The disinformation involved two of Steele’s most explosive claims: that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin operatives, and that the Kremlin was blackmailing Donald Trump with footage of him with prostitutes in Moscow in 2013.