it was 22:23
Q began posting a few breads ago, and we had an emergency bake,
and this was recommened for the notables, but was missed/forgotten, in the Q excitement,kek
we can make graphics, showing the key words the mockingbird media, all get each day/week.
Anons can dig for Trump stories and a negative word( and find clusters of different stories, around the same date, using same exact word.)
Make graphics, and proofs of their mockingbird/parrot points they all have in MSM.
First graphic, those stories are from July 22, 2016.
I also found atleast 5 stories from Jan 15 2018, to jan 25 2018, saying Trump is EVIL.
And found todays word UNHINGED. We can expose them with this, show they are stupid, not real journalists, BIASED, UNFAIR, and get paid to peddle the same word, the same LIES.