Anonymous ID: 2447b3 April 11, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.8760999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1225


Outside of medicine and related ingredients (why we allowed that to happen is another conversation), what else does China make that we actually need? They grow a lot of cotton, but how many cheap t-shirts do you need? I have visions of container ships filled with stuffed animals…


Yes, this is an overarching Q message: rely on your own talents and intuition.

Anonymous ID: 2447b3 April 11, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.8761182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>1195 >>1373

I read an article like this and it's hard not to be disheartened. I want to think for myself and make sure that I've not fallen prey to confirmation bias. POTUS does give a lot of flowery promises. I know this is because he wants to remain positive and hopeful. Some of the reporting here is outright misleading, and AP is no friend. But there are grains of truth, and that is what so many on the other side will latch onto, plant and grow. Sigh. This is a very huge fight and we need to find a win in this CV battle.


Trump leaves trail of unmet promises in coronavirus response


April 11th, 2020 | by CALVIN WOODWARD / Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) — For several months, President Donald Trump and his officials have cast a fog of promises meant to reassure a country in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic. Trump and his team haven't delivered on critical ones.


They talk numbers. Bewildering numbers about masks on the way. About tests being taken. About ships sailing to the rescue, breathing machines being built and shipped, field hospitals popping up, aircraft laden with supplies from abroad, dollars flowing to crippled businesses.


Piercing that fog is the bottom-line reality that Americans are going without the medical supplies and much of the financial help they most need from the government at the very time they need it most — and were told they would have it.


The U.S. now is at or near the height of COVID-19 sickness and death, experts believe.


There's no question that on major fronts — masks, gowns, diagnostic tests, ventilators and more —- the federal government is pushing hard now to get up to speed. Impressive numbers are being floated for equipment and testing procedures in the pipeline.


But in large measure they will arrive on the down slope of the pandemic, putting the U.S. in a better position should the same virus strike again but landing too late for this outbreak's lethal curve.

Concerning ventilators, for example, Trump recently allowed: "A lot of them will be coming at a time when we won't need them as badly."


Two weeks ago, Trump brought word of an innovative diagnostic test that can produce results in minutes instead of days or a week. The U.S. testing system, key to containing the spread of infection, has been a failure in the crunch, as public health authorities (but never Trump) acknowledged in March. The rapid test could help change that.


Like other glimmers of hope that may or may not come to something, Trump held out these tests as a "whole new ballgame." The new machines and testing cartridges are being sent across the country, and may well hold promise. But they are not ready for actual use in large numbers.


New Hampshire, for one, received 15 rapid-test machines but 120 cartridges instead of the 1,500 expected. Only two machines can be used. "I'm banging my head against the wall, I really am," Republican Gov. Chris Sununu said Wednesday. "We're going to keep pushing on Washington multiple times a day to get what we need."


[there are more examples in the article… but you get the idea]

Anonymous ID: 2447b3 April 11, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.8761255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1281


The largest cotton producing county is China. It has 100,000 cotton farmers, 7,500 textile companies and $73 billion in annual cotton cloth production. Read more at: - US is third largest!

Anonymous ID: 2447b3 April 11, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.8761281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1431


China is the largest cotton spinner in the world and the textile industry is also the biggest globally in terms of overall production and exports. Twenty four of the provinces in China grow cotton and the industry is responsible for employing about 300 million people in the country.

Anonymous ID: 2447b3 April 11, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.8761388   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1673 results - a mix to be sure, but still…. yes, i believe he has a plan to take all the evil out, but as mentioned, we need some backup after this last wave of incoming!