Anonymous ID: 2ef28f April 11, 2020, 1:54 p.m. No.8760700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1002 >>1239 >>1382 >>1407

Disinfection tunnel on wheels hits Hyderabad roads

12 April 2020


On average, the first-of-its-kind mobile disinfecting tunnel is covering 20 checkpoints and 40 junctions and helping 250-plus police personnel on duty to get disinfectant.


Amudha Rajesh, a Deputy Superintendent of Police at Telangana State Police Transport Organisation, and with his technical team developed the chamber on wheels under the aegis of M Mahender Reddy, DGP, and with the guidance of Sanjay Kumar, IGP, to help all the frontline police personnel get sanitised as they are being exposed to much of dust and pollution on roads while on duties.


"We have developed a first of its kind mobile disinfection tunnel and it is successfully making rounds in the city. All we need to do is, one must just enter the tunnel and stay for 10 seconds, then automatically disinfectant spray will completely sterilise the person from top to bottom. The only objective behind development of the project is to save saviours (police) from getting infected. This is the first ever time that our Telangana Transport department has developed a timely project within needed time. We are trying to develop 27 more disinfectant chambers on wheels in next two to four weeks,"said Rajesh.


The vehicle is fitted with 20 jet mist nozzles which sprays the disinfectant solution, a CDSCO & WHO-prescribed PVP-I solution (0.125 %), from a 500 litre tank upon anyone entering the chamber. It takes around 10 seconds for the effective and automated spraying system. It is equipped to work on 3 different power sources, i.e., AC, petrol generator and inventor.


The vehicle will move around continuously from picket to picket to disinfect and sanitise police personnel. Such technical initiative and compassion towards fellow officers has reposed faith and confidence in the personnel to continue to wage the ongoing war against the pandemic until it vanishes from the face of the earth.


In the midst of a worldwide backlash against the use Sodium Hypochlorite to disinfect humans, it is rather a novel move by DGP Mahender Reddy and his team for not only initiating such disinfectant chamber which complies with a WHO recommended solution which is as potent as it is harmless.


(disinfection tunnels??? pretty cool, anyway!)

Anonymous ID: 2ef28f April 11, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.8760752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0758 >>1002 >>1239 >>1382 >>1407

He led a neo-Nazi group linked to bomb plots. He was 13.

By Michael Kunzelman and Jari Tanner The Associated Press

Posted Apr 11, 2020 at 4:25 PM


HELSINKI, Finland — He called himself “Commander” online. He was a leader of an international neo-Nazi group linked to plots to attack a Las Vegas synagogue and detonate a car bomb at a major U.S. news network.


He was 13.


The boy who led Feuerkrieg Division lived in Estonia and apparently cut ties with the group after authorities in that tiny Baltic state confronted him earlier this year, according to police and an Estonian newspaper report.


Harrys Puusepp, spokesman for the Estonian Internal Security Service, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the police agency “intervened in early January because of a suspicion of danger” and “suspended this person’s activities in” Feuerkrieg Division.


“As the case dealt with a child under the age of 14, this person cannot be prosecuted under the criminal law and instead other legal methods must be used to eliminate the risk. Cooperation between several authorities, and especially parents, is important to steer a child away from violent extremism,” said Puusepp, who didn’t specify the child’s age or elaborate on the case.


The police spokesman didn’t identify the child as a group leader, but leaked archives of Feuerkrieg Division members’ online chats show “Commander” referred to himself as the founder of the group and alluded to being from Saaremaa, Estonia’s largest island.


A report published Wednesday by the weekly Estonian newspaper Eesti Ekspress said Estonian security officials had investigated a case involving a 13-year-old boy who allegedly was running Feuerkrieg Division operations out of a small town in the country. The newspaper said the group has a “decentralized structure,” and the Estonian teen cannot be considered the organization’s actual leader but was certainly one of its key figures.


The Anti-Defamation League has described Feuerkrieg Division as a group that advocates for a race war and promotes some of the most extreme views of the white supremacist movement. Formed in 2018, it had roughly 30 members who conducted most of their activities over the internet, the ADL said.


Oren Segal, vice president of the ADL’s Center on Extremism, said children aren’t just a target audience for online forums that glorify white supremacy and violence. They also maintain such sites, captivated by their ability to join or influence an international movement from a home computer, he said.


“That young kids are getting that sense of belonging from a hate movement is more common than most people realize and very disturbing. But accessing a world of hate online today is as easy as it was tuning into Saturday morning cartoons on television,” Segal said in a text message.


Feuerkrieg Division members communicated over the Wire online platform. The FBI used confidential sources to infiltrate the group’s encrypted chats, according to federal court records.


An FBI joint terrorism task force in Las Vegas began investigating 24-year-old Conor Climo in April 2019 after learning he was communicating over Wire with Feuerkrieg Division members, a court filing says. Climo told an FBI source about plans to firebomb a synagogue or attack a local ADL office, authorities said. Climo awaits his sentencing after pleading guilty in February to felony possession of an unregistered firearm.


Another man linked to Feuerkrieg Division, U.S. Army soldier Jarrett William Smith, pleaded guilty in February to separate charges that he provided information about explosives to an FBI undercover agent while stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, last year. An FBI affidavit said Smith, 24, talked about targeting an unidentified news organization with a car bomb. CNN reported that it was the target.


The ADL said Smith was associated with Feuerkrieg Division at the time of his arrest. The group expressed its “consternation” about Smith’s arrest in an expletive-laden post on its public Telegram channel, the ADL reported.


In March, a left-leaning website called Unicorn Riot published eight months of leaked chats by Feuerkrieg Division members. After “Commander” disappeared from the group’s chat room in January, other members discussed whether he had been detained or arrested and speculated that his electronic devices had been compromised, the website said.


The messages don’t indicate that other Feuerkrieg Division members knew the group leader was 13, according to Segal, who said the ADL also independently obtained the group’s chat archives.


Based on a comment the boy posted on Wire, ADL linked “Commander” to the gaming platform Steam. The Steam account lists his location as a village in Estonia and his URL as “HeilHitler8814,” Segal said.


[too long]

Anonymous ID: 2ef28f April 11, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.8760758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1002 >>1239 >>1382 >>1407



He led a neo-Nazi group linked to bomb plots. He was 13.



Feuerkrieg Division has been part of a growing wing of the white supremacist movement that embraces ” accelerationism,” a fringe philosophy that promotes mass violence to fuel society’s collapse. The man who recently pleaded guilty to attacking two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and killing 51 people last year devoted a section of his manifesto to the concept of accelerationism.


The Estonian security police’s bureau chief, Alar Ridamae, said parents, friends and teachers can help authorities protect children from internet-fueled extremism.


“Unfortunately, in practice there are cases where parents themselves have bought extremist literature for their children, which contributes to radicalization,” Ridamae said in a statement provided to AP and Estonian media on Thursday.


Estonia, a former Soviet republic that regained its independence in 1991, is among Europe’s most technologically advanced nations. Estonia has paid relatively little attention to homegrown extremism. But the case of the right-wing extremist Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, served as a major wake-up call for security officials in the Baltic nation of 1.3 million.

Anonymous ID: 2ef28f April 11, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.8760812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1002 >>1239 >>1382 >>1407

President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint the Following Individuals to Key Administration Posts

Written by White House

Published: 11 April 2020


Washington, DC - Thursday, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:


Michele A. Pearce, of Virginia, to be General Counsel of the Department of the Army. Ms. Pearce currently serves as the Principal Deputy General Counsel of the United States Army.

Previously, Ms. Pearce served as the Department of Defense Deputy General Counsel for Legislation. She has served in multiple senior roles, including as Senior Defense Advisor to United States Senator Susan Collins, and on the United States House Armed Services Committee as the Staff Lead and Counsel of the Subcommittee on Readiness, Staff Lead of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, and Counsel of the Military Personnel Subcommittee.


During her twenty three years of Federal service, Ms. Pearce also served as a judge advocate in the United States Air Force and as the Chief Clerk for the Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Additionally, she served on the Board of Trustees of the Judge Advocate General’s School Foundation and the Board of Directors of the Nevada Rape Crisis Center.


Ms. Pearce’s awards and decorations include the Iraq Campaign Medal and the Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award. She earned an A.B. from Mount Holyoke College and a J.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Law.


Ashok Pinto, of Illinois, to be United States Alternate Executive Director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for a term of two years. Mr. Pinto currently serves as Counselor to the Under Secretary for International Affairs at the United States Department of the Treasury.


Previously, Mr. Pinto was Counselor to the General Counsel at Treasury. He has also held senior leadership roles in the United States Congress, including as Chief Investigative Counsel and Policy Director to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation in the Senate, Chief Counsel for Investigations to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the House of Representatives, and Special Counsel to the Committee on the Judiciary in the Senate.


Mr. Pinto was Special Assistant and Associate Counsel to President George W. Bush, in private practice at two international law firms, and a law clerk to Judge F.A. Little, Jr. of the United State District Court for the Western District of Louisiana. Mr. Pinto holds a B.A. from Stanford University and a J.D. from the University of Illinois College of Law.


President Donald J. Trump also announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:


Joseph Douek, of New York, to be a Member of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.


Gary B. Heck, of California, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations for a term of four years.

Anonymous ID: 2ef28f April 11, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.8760889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0965 >>1130 >>1316


>caterpillar drive

The caterpillar drive was a silent submarine propulsion system in The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy. I have never read the book, but I saw the movie when it came out in theaters and have always really liked it, because I was into submarines. The idea was that the engine was so quiet because it somehow moved water with no moving mechanical parts. It's the sounds from the moving parts of the engine that are what normally allow a submarine to be detected with passive sonar. I believe that in the movie they refer to this as a magnetohydrodynamic drive. At the time I didn't know what the hell that meant, but I did see something else that made me think that maybe you could do this with electromagnetism (which I now know would, by definition, be the case with a magnetohydrodynamic drive). So, as a final project in my high school AP physics class, I built a working model of a caterpillar drive. Now let me describe the basic idea of how it works, then how mine worked specifically, and some of the technical problems involved.


The basic idea of a magnetohydrodynamic drive

It's really simple, based on the Lorentz force law. This is the physical law that says that if you have electric current flowing in one direction and a magnetic field perpendicular to that, a force will be exerted on the moving charges in a third direction, perpendicular to both the electric and magnetic fields. You can find the direction of the force as follows by using the right hand rule. This force means that if you take a current carrying wire and put a magnetic field at a right angle to it, the wire will get pulled in one direction. So, the basic idea of the drive is this: If water has the proper things dissolved in it (like salt) it makes a pretty good conductor (because it has enough free ions in it). So, if you used water inside a tube as your "wire" by passing current through it one direction, then you put a magnetic field perpendicular to that, the water would get pushed out one of the ends of the tube. If you make that tube your engine, and orient things so that it gets pushed out the back, you've got an engine. Here's a sketch of the basic scheme: