Anonymous ID: 39b7b4 April 11, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.8761397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1423


It's a documentary entitled: "The Accidental Empire-Revenge of the Nerds". I believe it was either a PBS-Frontline production or similar.


I don't remember why but IBM came to Gates for a OS. He didn't have one. He sent them to a fellow in LA that did but IBM wanted to wrap him in so much redtape, NDA's and the sort that he told them to fuck off. They went back to Gates for some reason that I can't remember, Gates wound up over at a little computer company called Seattle Computer. This guy had a OS, DOS maybe. (Apple fag here). Gates bought that OS from Seattle Computer for 50k. That is the beginning of MS.


It's about a 3 hour long documentary. The other part of the doc dealt with Apple. Jobs and Wosniak. Jobs was the visionary. Wosniak was tech wizard and was actually building shit out in his garage. That's the beginning of Apple. A FAR SUPERIOR PRODUCT by the way!!!!


Shouldn't be to hard to find these days. Perhaps Bweebtube, Amazon etc…….. IT was fascinating. Might try to find it and watch again. This had to be back in the late 80's, 90's maybe.

Anonymous ID: 39b7b4 April 11, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.8761459   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He didn't steal it anon. He bought that OS from Seattle Computer Co. for 50k and licensed it to IBM.

Documentary aired on PBS years ago. "The Accidental Empire-Revenge of the Nerds". # hours long and it was about MS and Apple and the birth of the personal computer.