Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.8761560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Law Enforcement Tells Mississippi Pastor That His Rights Are Suspended, Worshippers Fined $500 for Attending Drive-In Service


A video is going viral of law enforcement telling Pastor Charles Hamilton of King James Bible Baptist Church in Greenville, MS, that his rights are suspended as they broke up a drive-in service he was holding.


Law enforcement said that Hamilton and the members of the church were violating an order from Democrat Mayor Errick Simmons which prohibits all gatherings.


I endorse @JoeBiden. Let’s go, Joe. Let’s go, Mississippi. Polls open at 7am on March 10th.


— Errick D. Simmons (@ErrickDSimmons) March 8, 2020


First Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit legal institution that specializes in religious liberty cases, has sent a letter requesting the ban on drive-in services be lifted.


“Your recent order prohibiting drive-in services leaves him in reasonable fear that he and his church members will be fined and criminally prosecuted for merely engaging in drive-in church services that fall well within the CDC guidelines,” the letter said. “We require Greenville, Mississippi, to withdraw the unconstitutional order that, disturbingly, targets religious exercise.”


King James Bible Baptist Church was not the only church in Greenville that was targeted for holding drive-in services this week.


Local News 3 reports that approximately 30 cars were in the parking lot of Temple Baptist Church for drive-in services when police came and began ticketing people $500.


The church had been broadcasting the services over the radio and were instructing people to stay in their cars with their windows up.


“We have everybody stay in their cars, with their windows up and go to a certain radio station, a low frequency station,” Lee Gordon with Temple Baptist Church told the station.


“The police started coming up and we said, ‘we think we’re within our rights.’ So they started issuing tickets, five hundred dollars tickets,” Gordon said. “I don’t know, it may have been twenty to thirty tickets. Everybody got one. It wasn’t per car. Me and my wife was in a car together and both of us got tickets.”


Gordon said that they still plan to safely attend Easter services.

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.8761595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1675 >>1894 >>2068 >>2162 >>2168

VA Governor Signs Universal Background Checks, Gun Rationing Bill


Governor Ralph Northam (D) signed legislation Saturday creating universal background checks in Virginia and limiting law-abiding Virginians to one handgun purchase per month.


Northam’s office announced his signature on Senate Bill 70 / House Bill 2, creating the universal checks and thereby outlawing private gun sales.


He signed Senate Bill 69 / House Bill 812 resurrecting Virginia’s “one-handgun-a-month rule to help curtail stockpiling of firearms and trafficking.”


Northam used a tweet to refer to these gun controls as “commonsense gun safety measures,” but he did not mention that they would not have prevented the May 31, 2019 Virginia Beach shooting that he used as an impetus for gun control.


He also signed other controls into law, including requirements that gun owners report stolen firearms within 48 hours of the theft or face “civil penalty.” This puts the onus for a gun theft on the gun owner, rather than the individual who stole the firearm.


Democrats won control of Virginia’s legislature in November 2019 and, just days after their victory, Northam made clear there would be a war on guns. That war originally included all-out bans on certain categories of firearms, on ammunition magazines holding more than ten rounds, and on firearm suppressors. However, Democrats reformulated their push after facing widespread public backlash over their gun control agenda.

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 3:54 p.m. No.8761631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1652 >>1894 >>2068 >>2162

Michael Bloomberg-Funded Gun Control Group Launches Online Campaign to Register 100,000 Young Voters


A gun control group funded by billionaire oligarch and failed 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is spending $1.5 million on a new virtual outreach program that plans on registering 100,000 young voters.


Students Demand Action is leading this program and has plans of replacing the group’s original voter registration efforts. The Wuhan Virus outbreak derailed this original plan thanks to the shutdowns.


The new program is now shifting its focus in 13 battle ground state and is the first major project the group is using for online-only outreach to get the youth to the polls.


Because of the pandemic, voter registration campaigns have been disrupted, which worries people that first-time voters will be overlooked during the 2020 election cycle

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.8761662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1751 >>1894 >>2068 >>2162

China holds naval drills near Taiwan in preparation for military struggle : experts


The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) reportedly held military drills featuring warplanes near the island of Taiwan on Friday, and such drills, having taken place at least four times since the traditional Spring Festival holiday in January, have become regular and are now a part of military struggle preparations against the island, mainland experts said on Friday.


Multiple PLA warplanes, including the H-6 bombers, KJ-500 early warning aircraft and J-11 fighter jets, conducted a far-sea long-range drill above southwestern waters near the island of Taiwan on Friday, Taiwan media reported on Friday, citing the island’s defense authority.


The PLA warplanes entered the Western Pacific Ocean through the Bashi Channel, then returned to base along the same route they came from, reports from the island said.


Song Zhongping, a mainland military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Friday that the drills were a part of preparations for the potential military struggle against the island of Taiwan, and such drills have become regular and routine.


After the traditional Spring Festival holiday in late January, the PLA conducted a combat-readiness patrol mission featuring warships and warplanes on February 9, joint exercises on February 10, and “rare” warplane nighttime exercises on March 16, all near the island of Taiwan, despite the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.8761746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1931


Just pointing out the the history of it …Interesting how its VA leading the charge against guns…Not that other states haven't ..Put they are going all out as to where other states do it incrementally

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.8761848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1894 >>2068 >>2162

2 San Francisco Int. airport websites hacked with info-stealer code


Both websites were hacked in March 2020, allowing unknown hackers to steal sensitive data including passwords.


According to a data breach notification released by authorities at the San Francisco International Airport, two airport websites “” and “” became targets of hackers recently.


The unknown hackers managed to insert data-stealing code into the sites to compromise credentials used by airport employees to access email and network accounts.


The authorities haven’t disclosed details of the hack but it is mentioned in the notification that the compromised credentials were used to access personal devices such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones. The devices were used to access the airport’s online platforms as well as cloud services.

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.8761911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2068 >>2162

Drone video: See Microsoft’s sprawling HQ campus — with no workers in sight during COVID-19 crisis


The pathways and parking lots are empty. No one is seated at the outdoor tables or playing on the soccer field. Life on Microsoft’s sprawling Redmond, Wash., campus has all but disappeared.

Coronavirus Live Updates: The latest COVID-19 developments in Seattle and the world of tech


A new drone video shared by the company on YouTube captures the quiet and emptiness of the tech giant’s normally bustling headquarters as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many thousands of employees to do their jobs remotely.


Microsoft, which employs some 50,000 people in Redmond, titled the video “Quiet Ingenuity,” and there is no soundtrack accompanying the footage. There are views of buildings from high overhead and down at street level.


But there’s no view of the major renovation happening at the 72-acre campus which will reshape the look and feel of the place with new buildings, plazas, fields and more.


The video effort is similar to one released last week by the Downtown Seattle Association which captures the same eerie emptiness, but in the heart of Seattle.

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 4:44 p.m. No.8762076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162

Google and Apple Join Forces to Roll Out Surveillance Programs to Wuhan Virus Power Grab


On Friday, April 10, 2020, Apple and Google unveiled a partnership to use technology to trace the expansion of the Wuhan Virus pandemic.


The otherwise rival companies are joining forces in the next few weeks to develop new tools that would allow people and health authorities to track the virus using Bluetooth proximity data from their smartphones.


“We hope to harness the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life,” the two companies declared in a joint statement.


“Privacy, transparency, and consent are of utmost importance in this effort, and we look forward to building this functionality in consultation with interested stakeholders,” they added in their statement.


California Governor Gavin Newsom said his office discussed with Apple on April 10 about the surveillance technology and is integrating it into the state’s plans to transition out of the statewide stay-at-home order.


Google and Apple claim that their work would be rolled out in two stages. In the first stage, which is in the next month, they plan to release a set of tools known as application programming interfaces (APIs). The APIs were created so that public health authorities could work on both iPhones and on phones that use Google’s Android operating system.


In the second stage in the upcoming months, the two companies intend on building a voluntary tracing system directly into their iOS and Android operating systems.

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.8762112   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then you're FKing..Idiot..some of us have been locked and loaded for years…every hear of Y2K..kekek get a will work out..Trust Trump

Anonymous ID: 76fa39 April 11, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.8762164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2210

Hungary’s Pro-Family Policy Is Working, Births Up 9.4 Per Cent


The pro-family policies pursued by Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán’s government as an alternative to mass immigration are reaping dividends, with births up 9.4 per cent year on year.


Eduard von Habsburg, the Central European country’s ambassador to the Holy See — and great-great-grandson of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary — reported that the “much-ridiculed” policies were also accompanied by a near-100 per cent increase in marriages and the number of children per woman rising to an average of 1.6.


“In Hungary, the population has been decreasing since 1981,” said Katalin Novák, Hungary’s State Secretary for Family, Youth, and International Affairs, in exclusive comments to Breitbart London explaining the enormity of the turnaround her government has achieved…