awww …the big tall fag is all happy about the gay laws…
i want to see West VA get bigger and VA get smaller….can that actually happen?
Mika's dad ran the left, and Hank ran the right, as the globalists' handlers in US politics. Hank got Nixon into China and here we are. Planned all along.
Clintons tie-in through this Johnny Chung fella.
says on this image that Larpy McLarpy is "honorable" : and he probably hired DiFi's driver for her.
along with lots of stolen technology, etc…which is how the chinx got back in the game after Japan fell apart after the late 80s crash and never really recovered.
they ended up saying something that they sold them outdated military technology, or something to that effect….but they were probably giving them access to the clinton's computer going all the way back then probably.
you think Gavin be like to himself : "Cuomo is going homo, I will skate toward the middle and it will be me they pick when Biden implodes"