Just purely hypothetical and having a toddy or two————-
China had implemented a 1 child rule years ago to "slow down the birthrate". I would believe that abortions were/are rampant there to stay within the law. Roe vs. Wade (1973) made it legal in the US to have "at will" abortions. 3 or 4 years back an undercover reporter was posing as a buyer of body parts from an abortion clinic and exposed them only to get in trouble for doing so.
Perhaps this is just a "Harvest" for something special that a fetus possesses? What is it that allows a fetus to live and grow in a host-"Mother"?
What about the "Doctor- Mortician" who had all the fetuses when he died not too long ago?
I`m just ranting here but Q did note that the truth would be a hard pill to swallow.
What allows some people to live to a riper old age than others? soros rothchilds
I`ll let you anons get back to the basket weaving forum.
later y`all