Q, I am concerned about the approach of your [backchannel] operation. I fear that in the end, you will have conditioned [the people] to accept lies and deception as long as the [good guys] are doing it. So, all for naught - because we all know where that ends [back to the furture]. If you do not intend to [actually] enlist [the people] in the [war effort] then why involve them at all? Why not just explain everything to them at the conclusion in clear terms? Another issue - while you do provide some information about how your operation will look if it unfolds properly, you have not discussed the possibility of defeat. It is important for [the people] to be able to recogize failure and for them to have some idea of what that will mean [honesty]. Statements like [nothing can stop what is coming] are frankly - childish. [[[The best-laid plans of mice and men]]]