Please watch this video, anon.
You can rest assured, anon, that our reality isn't what it seems.
Few things are outside of our reach. Many will explain to you that "fictional" topics embody elements of nature that don't exist here. Often times, those people are wrong.
Don't take my word for this, anon, but magic is real. There are many many things you can try and you shouldn't limit yourself.
I get it, hearing something like this when emotions are high can be deceiving. I'm not fucking with you. My intention isn't to build false hope.
Instead, I'm pleading with you to learn about what exists out there.
There are certain frequencies you can find that can help you. There are certain places you can go which can also help. There are people out there, much like you and me, who know certain things.
Some may fear monger upon reading this, suggesting that even if these things I describe are accurate, that there are genuine repercussions to some of the things I'm suggesting.
While these hypothetical people aren't exactly wrong, you must understand so many of the dramatic facets of most media today doesn't at all do the real world justice. Things aren't so dichotomous, nor are they so risky (well, most of the time).
The man in that video above may very well be completely correct, but in case it's not, please take the rest of what I've written and run with it.