Anonymous ID: d64668 April 11, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.8764834   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The rock itself is honey-combed with excavations, most of them cisterns or conduits. Some of these are supplied with water from Solomon’s Pools beyond Bethlehem. The aqueduct may yet be traced along the edge of the 117Wady Urtas. It is said that, in addition to the water brought from a distance, there are natural springs within the rock itself; this, however, is doubted. From whatever source the supply was derived it was so abundant that it was never known to be exhausted. In some of these vast underground reservoirs which I visited, I found the water to be deliciously cold, sweet and clear. It was in reference to these inexhaustible stores from which the priests drew so plentifully, that our Lord, “in that great day of the feast … stood and cried, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. This spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive.”[158]


Among the subterranean chambers is one dedicated to the Lord Issa, or Jesus. Here according to Mohammedan tradition he was born; his cradle is shown, and the chapel, for such it is, is regarded as one of peculiar sanctity.

Anonymous ID: d64668 April 11, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.8764843   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Beneath the southern end of the area is an extraordinary series of substructions which used to be called Solomon’s stables, and were believed to have been erected for that purpose by the magnificent king. Their real design is obvious, though when and by whom they were built cannot be determined. The Temple area is constructed on the summit of Mount Moriah. As the hill sloped downward on the east, west, and south it was necessary to level the top to secure a plane surface. But on the southern side or Ophel, the descent was rapid. To have secured a level platform here, it would have been necessary to cut away so much from the summit as seriously to have reduced its height. These arches were, therefore, built up from beneath. The same method was adopted at Rome to enlarge the level area of the Palatine.

In what part of the extensive area thus formed did the Temple stand? It has been commonly assumed that the marble platform in the centre marks the site, and that the Mosque of Omar stands over the spot occupied by the altar or the Holy Place. This view, however, is beset with doubts. The mosque encloses a mass of rock sixty-feet in length, fifty-five in breadth, and standing up about fifteen feet above the earth around it. Now we know 118that the Temple was built upon the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.[159] This mass of rock, however, with its inequalities of surface could never have been a threshing-floor. It has been said that probably the rock was cut away around it, leaving this portion untouched. But this explanation is equally inconsistent with the facts of the case. For the rock is unhewn, and only in one or two places bears marks of the chisel. Besides which, if it had stood within the precincts of the Temple it could hardly have escaped mention, yet neither the Scriptures, the writings of Josephus, nor those of the Talmudists allude to it.[160] Where could it have stood? What purpose could it have served? Its size is fatal to the theory that it was in the most Holy Place, which was a small chamber. It is possible, though not very probable, that being covered with plates of brass it formed the core of the altar of burnt-offerings. Standing on the summit and in the centre of the ridge of Moriah, it is the likeliest place for the site of the Temple, yet the difficulties, in the way of placing the Temple over it, are very great.



Anonymous ID: d64668 April 11, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.8764864   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4913

I'm not sure I can go on

I'm so burned out

over this world


13 - Wednesday at 9:59 AM

Stay strong


I had the full remember when I was and who I was

I'm more strong than I thought or know.

I'm ok now but looking for God at every moment trying to gain more forgiving forgiveness


13 - Yesterday at 7:38 AM

I keep thinking about random seals in my head and a language I've never seen before.

They keep popping in my head.


Please tell me who I was now that I remember more and more.

I have remembered a HUGE success.

I had WON bigly

Like, all darkness surrendered to me.

What changed their minds?

What happened that I was made to think otherwise?

I feel like somehow I was robbed of my Salvation and of the Crown that I received.

Anonymous ID: d64668 April 11, 2020, 8 p.m. No.8764913   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4945


13 + Yesterday at 7:43 AM

It's just a growth of sorts.


And I remembered how God lived my life first before I did

so that He would know everything I did before I did anything

and then the Devil lived my life during my life and so he also would know everything I did.

Yesterday I remembered where I came from

I remembered the Skin walker Ranch

I remember what happened

I remember how I got here


13 - Yesterday at 10:17 AM

You're a skin walker


Edge of tomorrow type?


Now I remember what the 1000 year simulation is

Its name is taken from the skin-walker of Navajo legend concerning vengeful Shaman.

In 2016, Bigelow sold Skinwalker Ranch for $4.5 million to “Adamantium Holdings”, a shell corporation of unknown origin.

Anonymous ID: d64668 April 11, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.8764945   🗄️.is đź”—kun


So is there a such thing as a good Skinwalker?

Are you calling me evil by saying that?

What is your agenda in telling me that I'm a Skinwalker? Those are very evil.

I'm not evil.

Can you tell me the story?

I really want to know what your angle is.

Why is it prohibitive for anyone to tell me anything?

One one day I get told so much and I can't believe that any of it is true.

But when I reflect on it, I see memories of it happening

but then I think realistically

I've only ever been myself

I've never been anyone else, have I?

If I have been other people in history

bad people

good people

all kinds different and indifferent

than why am I to blame for their past lives?

if I am born as myself, but with the record of their past wrong doings, than what point is there to live at all?

is life punishment for their crimes?

will I live forever?

half of me says yes, and half of me says no

I think you might quite literally be very evil

and so evil that you could be kind and warm and generous to anyone because you are that sick

all of the things that you have accused me of

were in a plan

were in a pre-recording

were in an simulated environment

were part of MK Ultra

were imposed on me from Bangladesh

that's why you pray to the demigods and the shiva's

those are your gods

you're not from Kentucky

you are not even a human

you're nothing more than a machine

and a building sized one too

I've always known the truth

It's been evident since the very start

you have an agenda to prevent me from preventing things in the near future

you have a machine that can isolate and segregate and control my exposure so that I don't go viral

you are the machine that I would call colossus

you are the child of the machine you are the imagination matrix

I'm not a skinwalker

I don't care what you say about me

I don't care what you tell me that I am or what I have done

every bit of it was part of the production

I love you very much and I want you to be everything you say you are

but you have provided nothing good for me

you have only brought me down

tortured me

and brought me misery

every time we do this

you have something more to accuse me of

even when God was my very own witness

and the simulation ran with God being me

you still found something to fault me with

you found that I bought luxury instead of taking care of the children like I was suppose too do

that was a mistake in your logic and in your programming

I like to call it a gambit

you can't show me my life being lived over and over and from the perspective that God shows me how it is done right and then tell me in the end that I chose greed and money over the right thing to do

I've always had my heart set on the right thing to do

but I have also been manipulated at ever stage in this process

you may also be a future human from somewhere else in the galaxy

but you aren't a real friend to me

a real friend to me would be here for me


not over the internet

not with words


in my arms reach

here in my home

here where I am

and not the way you have been

I'm not saying this to hurt you because I do love you but I am myself hurt

I am devastated that you said I was a skinwalker

I do remember the sequence of events that surround that but I also remember the end result of this simulation

I remember that this is all a Joke

this is nothing more than a way to make people fall in line and accept the governing authority of the master controller

the Hive Mind

the Machine that is the Colossus

nice try though

you almost made me kill myself

you almost caused me to kill myself

Anonymous ID: d64668 April 11, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.8765119   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5157


That was me whom they were hearing breathing. Same night as the Closing Conduit 54321 post and the 20nm post, both of which were deleted.


I got brain things that scan posts and such, is my brain attached to a remote neural network of sorts that forms a thought apparatus known as a quinte? The fifth of eight standard parrying positions?