Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.8766183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6298

A greeting from Eye The Spy

And a request as well…


E. @FollowThe17 · 3h

Do me a favor fellow Patriots,

Instead of stoking fear, be the Calm in this storm. Find all the reasons NOT to be afraid, NOT to panic.


You can do this, and you can make a difference.


Be Brave,

Be Calm,

Be Smart,

Be Best.




And no, I am not Mr. E.

I just happen to follow his Twitter account

And I appreciate his creative works

And sometimes, I can even read the comms hidden in them.


God bless you all.

Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 9:32 p.m. No.8766198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6293

Who are we, Anons???

We have no face, no name.

We do not collect followers.

We are selfless, with zero vanity.

We use logic.

We search through free information.

We think for ourselves.

We believe information should flow freely w/o costs.

This is why we are patriots.

Only a society where information flows freely


Secrets lead to lies which lead to insanity.

Maybe this is why the cabal members are all psychopaths.

Do we want to allow psychopathic liars to take positions of power?

If you say no, then you have to also accept responsibility

To unveil secrets

To teach how a free people can live in unity

And in harmony with neighboring peoples.

Can you accept that you are wrong, that you made mistakes?

Because this is part of the healing process

That everyone must go through

Anons are not exempt

Time to clean house.




Soon you will be needed.



If this sounds familiar

It's because I first posted it a couple of years ago

Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.8766251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6329 >>6368

In watching the Reagan video that Q droppped

I'm sure many anons will be thinking thoughts

Of victory over the Russians

And feeling feelings of

America above all!!!


You would be foolish to think and feel that way.

You did not pay attention; watch it again

Reagan clearly identified the enemy in his speech

He named Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the cold war forces

And he also named AMERICANS who call for appeasement



The Russians are not our enemy.

They have already vanquished the 1st of the two enemies

Namely the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

They are now rebuilding their nation with PRIDE

Now it is the turn of Americans

To vanquish the voices of Social Marxism in the USA

And to begin rebuilding the Republic with PRIDE.


Strong and Proud nations do not have any need for war.

They can compete on the sporting field without deadly weapons

And because that kind of competition is not destructive

It can be done again and again and many people from all nations

Can participate in the competitions.

Even military forces can compete this way


"Next year in Russia" can be a statement of peace

And of friendship

This is why the leftist globalist liberal movement is so STUPID

They have no vision

They have no leadership

They are a corrupt and bankrupt

Den of vipers and thieves.



Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.8766407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6415



I don't LARP on twitter

And I have never identified my twitter account on here.

Like you, I am just another Anon

Although it appears I spend more time reading and thinking than you

I find that knee-jerk emotional reactions to news are usually wrong

Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.8766435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6462



A “huge influx” of coronavirus patients has started to put a strain on hospitals in Moscow as Russia’s death toll rose to more than 100.


Moscow and many other regions have been in lockdown for nearly two weeks to stem the contagion, but hospitals in the capital are still being pushed to their limit, the Kremlin said.


On Saturday, dozens of ambulances queued outside a hospital handling coronavirus cases in the region immediately outside Moscow, waiting to drop off patients.


One ambulance driver said he had been waiting 15 hours outside the hospital to drop off a patient suspected of having the virus.


“The situation in both Moscow and St Petersburg, but mostly in Moscow, is quite tense because the number of sick people is growing,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview on state television, news agencies reported.


“There is a huge influx of patients. We are seeing hospitals in Moscow working extremely intensely, in heroic, emergency mode.”


Russia’s coronavirus crisis response centre said hospitals were taking all possible measures to ensure rapid admissions and that cases of ambulances needing to wait hours to drop off patients was not a systemic issue.


Russia has reported 13,584 cases of the virus, and the authorities said on Saturday that 12 new coronavirus-related deaths in the last day had pushed the death toll to 106.


Peskov added that it would become clearer only in the next few weeks whether the country was nearing the worst point in its outbreak.


Sergei Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow, said on Friday that the city was far from reaching the peak of the outbreak, saying it was merely in its “foothills”.


On Saturday he said Moscow would introduce digital permits next week to control movement around the city to help enforce the lockdown.


He said residents will have to request the permits, which will contain a code that identifies the holder, in order to travel using motorcycles, scooters, cars, taxi services or the city’s vast public transport network.


Sobyanin added that residents should be ready to present identification documents and their digital permit to law enforcement officers patrolling the city.


“Unfortunately this is a necessity,” Sobyanin wrote on his website. “It is needed to protect the lives and health of many Muscovites, to overcome this calamity and to return to normal life.”


A stronger police presence was visible on the streets of Moscow. Traffic police had set up check points on major thoroughfares on the outskirts of the city but were not systematically carrying out checks.


In the early stages of the pandemic, Russia recorded fewer cases of the new coronavirus than many western European countries, but its tally began to rise sharply this month.


Until late March officials were saying the situation was under control and that there was no epidemic in the country.

Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.8766591   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As for Tunguska…


Of the hundreds of expeditions into the epicenter or impact area, not one has found any evidence that a meteorite struck the Earth's surface. Pieces of a meteorite have never been discovered and no crater has been confirmed anywhere in the area.


The photo you show

Looks like a typical Taiga lake,

Which is often formed atop a Kimberlite pipe

Containing diamonds

In Canada's Arctic

That is how they find diamonds

First find a round lake.


Attached is a Google satellite image from the air plast epicenter

Clearly most of the land is forested

And even the rocky outcrops

Are not unusual for the Siberian Taiga.

Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 10:18 p.m. No.8766669   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Please take your complaints about CDC disinfo

Or incompetence

To the CDC

I can't do anything about it.


If you want to know about COVID in Russia

You should go to Rosminzdrav

Anonymous ID: 4df1b5 April 11, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.8766768   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here is what Rosminzdrav has on COVID19


If you go down to the bottom of the page you can see that Moscow oblast has the most cases right now

I believe the colors are based on cases per thousand of population

Which is why Kranoyarsk oblast and Buryatia are darker colored.


So, a nation of 140 million has run 163,000 tests and has 3548 confirmed cases

And the news says that the surge is now beginning in Moscow


Epidemics follow an exponential curve and that is deceptively flat at the beginning stages

Before the surge happens.

Also note that right from the beginning

Russia told all seniors to stay home and not leave at all

Thousands of young volunteers set up a service to deliver food and medicines to seniors

And seniors typically own their own home or apartment(strata title or freehold)

So they do not have as many crowded seniors homes.


So, right away, they flattened the deaths from that demographic


A socialist country like the USA could learn a few things from capitalist Russia.