Anonymous ID: 76946a April 11, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.8766630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8763950 (PB)

Not a Doctor, but I'd like to recommend that you read up on medicinal mushrooms. Start with Trametes Versicolor and start with Paul Stamets and his multiple TED talks. Nobody does multiple TED talks … he's done three (and several TEDx talks as well). Lots of research. Trametes Versicolor tea – two cups full – did amazing things for my PSA numbers. No other therapy. Just that. Still clear 5 years later. If you don't like what you read, don't bother making the tea.

>>8763914 (PB)

Happy birthday to you. I'll be 68 NEXT Saturday.

My Dad knew this day was coming. If we meet again, we'll have something to talk about. ;-)

>>8763936 (PB)

Dude … remember all those times folks would post those "If you only knew how bad things really are" memes? Well, are you getting the picture now? We thought that the local government was probably sort of okay. In many, many cases, it if NOT okay. Our own neighbors are perfectly willing to seize this opportunity to dick us over.

>>8763921 (PB)

A simple return to organic agriculture would be sufficient to feed the entire population of the planet, now and 100 years into the future. All we have to do is stop poisoning the soil and start feeding it again. It really IS that simple.