Anonymous ID: d57a31 April 11, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.8766205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6223 >>6237 >>6269

NOTABLE part 1


Need help to pull this together. Needs put in order w/timeline, more concise. Best I can do. Gut says important. This virus does not exist. It is not a virus.


The test: Dr Kary Mullis, Berkeley, nobel laureate, invented the PCR test and said it should not be used for infectious diseases. He would have known what they are doing …


This one is testing for what is normally in most, if not all, of our bodies - some genetic material.


***Kicker: He died of "pneumonia" in August 2019. No coincidences.


I don't usually trust this source, but it fits and has the chart. As of yesterday, says only 150 Americans have died that did NOT have a known underlying condition, body weakened. This was designed to engineer panic and shut us down. We know they're lying, but we did it anyway.




**Key: Doctors finding that it isn't pneumonia, but

—- lungs, tissues are not absorbing oxygen well.


**Key: Known problem with 5g is that it

—- makes it harder for lungs, tissues to absorb oxygen well. And flu like symptoms.



Anonymous ID: d57a31 April 11, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.8766237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6269 >>6274



NOTABLE part 2




**Key: Doctors finding that it isn't pneumonia, but

—- lungs, tissues are not absorbing oxygen well.


**Key: Known problem with 5g is that it

—- makes it harder for lungs, tissues to absorb oxygen well. And flu like symptoms.




Musk, Bezos started sending up satellites Feb 2019 beaming 5g at earth, plan 20k + of 'em. There is already 5g on the ground in Wuhan, Italy, UK, lots of US, all NYC, areas hardest hit. Think map of a cell carrier I saw (T mobile?) has coverage that closely matches covid spread map - sparse in same west/midwest areas.


** We know the hydroxychloroquine facilitates zith or zinc getting into cells. Could it be facilitating getting more oxygen into cells?


Also: "Zinc reacts with oxygen in moist air." (moist air = lungs, cells moist)


Stay with me please. Have an illness brain injury to communications and that makes it very difficult to put thoughts into words correctly or in order. Also did not sleep last night, tired. We've all seen most of this, but maybe not putting together. "We have more than we know" If I sound like a girl, it's because I am one.


Someone in comments (think Liz's vid) said must listen to London Real interview with David Icke on 4/6. I've not been an Icke watcher, but but something made me click. Bunch of uploads of this interview to YT, ALL removed. One had a screen message - said they were going down as fast as being put back up. Went to his channel. It's the ONLY one that is removed. (maybe he got 1 really right?)


Interested now. Why just this one? Why automatically and why now?




Found on Bitchute.

Screwed up - won't let me embed


He makes sense and this is certainly setting us up for a global take down…. easily. If Trump and group wasn't here…. (pray for his health, big time).


He got some of his medical info from this doctor:


Anecdotal, but may validate for others … Have 4 chronic illnesses that affect immune sys. CFS; 9 yrs later ticks, Lyme & coinfections, 4 yrs before ALLOWED to be treated=chronic. (Fauci is a main player in cover up of both and still denying chronic Lyme so no treatment). Body got tired of fighting what it couldn't, so fought me and developed RA, then Lupus.


Almost a year ago, I woke up one morning and suddenly wasn't getting quite enough air, not breathing as well. Told doc "not enough oxygen". Normal "flu" symptoms worse. Started getting waves of almost passing out, mostly while just sitting… not enough oxygen - grabbing something to hang on until it passed, many times a week… and 6-7 times totally passed out… ever since. But felt like I was breathing ok. Doc had no clue.


Sounds similar to what they're finding. Had they launched enough satellites to affect a very weakened body by then?


Finally noticed Plaquenil was same as hydroxychloroquine (eye roll) and had a box left from several yrs ago. Started taking again with zinc ~ a week ago. Suddenly am not 'almost passing out' anymore! If this is NOT a coincidence, then theory might be valid. But God help me if they launch 5g on the ground here. (zinc was already a supplement, not deficient)


Could this "virus" for some people either be normal flu … or not even catching anything, just underlying conditions? It covers up 5g symptoms that some will have - blame it on a new "virus" that we'll now have "recirculating" like the flu does? Bonus for insurance is getting rid of the sickest, too. Would explain why they already say warmer weather won't make it die down.

Anonymous ID: d57a31 April 11, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.8766269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319





part 3


Meanwhile, people under control, sequestered - no 5g protesting, either. Add in Gate's well timed exercise and test inventor's sudden pneumonia death… was about 74, so no big surprise. Probably missing more "coincidences" and "benefits". Has taken me all afternoon to just do this mess, so beyond tired now.


Guys, correct or not - it fits like hell for a globalist take down, complete with crashed economy and people believing the shit they're putting out. Could someone take this and put it all together with timeline of events and sources where needed to see if this theory works?


I knew about the oxygen with 5g, but really didn't think that could be the cause. Thinking differently now. This is much worse than a hoax.


Oh yeah, would also explain why Pelosi rushed the impeachment to have it ready for flu season and then held it until she got the "go" signal. Suddenly released it to senate 1 day after patient 0 arrived, IIRC.


This isn't just an exercise, was supposed to be a take down - whole world. Vaccinated, chipped, cashless, under control and used to less. Trump had to know this to suggest that medicine.


Guess if no one reads this or it doesn't hold water, it wasn't meant to be part of "the plan". I'm ok with that. But what if we ARE supposed to figure it out? Isn't that why we're here? Thanks if you got this far.


Pres Trump needs us to wake up because it's what they fear and why we're under attack, incl bakers that won't put certain things in notables…. Can anyone prove this wrong? If they won't put this in, esp if someone makes it more concise…. ask yourself "why"?


Bigger than I could have ever imagined … until now.