Lookout Mountain Air Force Station.
I've told you this over and over.
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station.
I've told you this over and over.
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station.
I've told you this over and over.
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station.
I've told you this over and over.
laurel canyon is a focus point of SATaN.
And it radiates powerfully for three hundred miles (City Of The Angeles) and on to the rest of the planet.
UCLA 1959 was baby MKULTRA central.
Child rape is the poor mans MKULTRA.
Boomers if you took LSD you've been MKULTRA'd.
In my opinion the CIA Wreaking Crew did more damage than Hollywood but fake news beats them all.
Q uses the same tactics because folks are familiar with them. I use them also.
I was a 1959 UCLA MKULTRA baby experiment . They made me have no fear and I use that against them.
God Trumps Satan.
Everything in this movie I told you here about for two years. But it takes a Hollywood MKULTRA movie to get you interested. This is why we MKULTRA you .
My brother who stole thousands of dollars from my inheritance reached out to me for the first time in 20 years. He is near death.
I would love to destroy him but I'm gonna let it go.
This is why they MKULTRA us they think we people are stupid. Normies will get upset and distance them selves. I doubt I'll even show my wife this. It's way too glossy Hollywood..
Thats it I'm out.
My dad used to walk her to University High every day.
my family are the enemy Q is fighting against.