>>8767289 pb
A very interesting Q-like post.
Is this post hinting that potus is guided by benevolent angels (god's army)?
This sounds a bit like something out of a "project Blue-Beam" playbook, but I approach this post with an open mind.
The "decode" is pure speculation, I for instance will believe it when I will have enough evidence and i suggest you anons to follow the same way. We are living in an age of deception.
>We Are Here With You.
>What is a Holy War?
A spiritual war, good vs evil, a war between opposing faiths and ideologies.
>Would you know if you were in one?
unless it is a "silent war".
>Did Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis make the following declaration to ]GGW[ after surrender at the Siege of Yorktown?
>"A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."
>Does that sound like an idle threat?
>Has the Republic been subject to a clandestine Holy War since its birth?
Yes. Democratic societies subverting the Republic, Freemasonic lodges in Europe subverted by the crown and the City Of Londnon, the establishment of Bnai Brith, KKK and the scottish rite of freemasonry by Albert Pike in the 19th century.
Daniel Payseur entrusted, right before the inevitable revolution, by the City of London corporation and the crown to "buy back the lost assets and bring back the colony to the crown and the city".
L.C. Payseur trust achieving the goal, along with the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 and the federal reserve act sealing the deal.
>How are Holy Wars waged?
>Flesh and blood (only)?
>Good v. Evil.
>Paint the picture.
Holy wars are fought also in the spirit - non corporeal realm.
>Who is helping POTUS?
Non corporeal entities? God? Angels?
>Did ]MT[/'prophetic voice' receive the following prophetic word?
>"I will use my President to shut this gate and seal it shut.
>lt must be shut.
>Then I will use him and my army to root out evil structures that are still there, to the point that the government will begin to call on my army.
>They will [prophetically locate] these structures so they may be dismantled before any evil can take place."
Flotus receiving prophetic visions?
>2 Corinthians 12:2-3 Aramaic to English/DIRECT:
>"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven.
>Whether it was [in the body] or [out of the body] I do not know - God knows."
>Ezekiel 8:3 KJV:
>"And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and [brought me in the visions of God] …"
>How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
A direct assistance from "angels"? God? The benevolent spirit realm?
>What is more powerful than A.I.?
God, angels etc…
>Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.
>Wizards & Warlocks.
>Nice view up here.
In the heavenly realms?
>Everything has meaning.
>Your President needs your help.
>Everything stated is for a reason.
>Roadmap of big picture is here.
>The silent ones.
are the most efficient and successful.
>What is an otevan?
according to
>>8767582 pb
It is a caravan of gods messengers.
>If you look you can see.
>]We[ Are [Here] With (You).
We - activation signal.
here - sets google on to your device's close proximity location
you - keyword necessary for the "easter egg" to execute.
Anons, not only "we are here with you" gives the "geo-location easter egg", but also "we here you".
try it for yourselves.
As for the Slavic warriors paintings. Why does this anon point us to the Kievan Rus, and The Scytians. Very strange and I believe meaningful.