Been doing some calculations about the world population hitting he magic 7,777,777,777 and I have worked it out that it will be sometime around 3.20 pm on Tuesday.
Here are my calcs':
@8.48 45 secs on 12th April 2020
Population clock is at 7,777,270,600
How long does it take to increase by 1,000 = @8.55 12 secs
Time taken = 6 mins 27 secs
It takes 6 mins 27 seconds to increase by 1000
How long will it take to reach 7,777,777,777?
At approx' 9:05 35s it stands at 7,777,273,200 = 504,577 to go
x by 6m 27 secs. In secs 387 secs
387 secs x 504.577 (thousands) = 195,271.299 secs / by 60 = 3,254.52165 mins / by 60 = 54.2420275 hrs / by 24 = 2.260 days =
Sometime on Tuesday! Around 3.20 pm!!!
When did POTUS say he was going to be addressing the WHO proposal (cutting funding)? Sometime next week. I wonder if its going to be Tuesday????