Anonymous ID: 24768f April 12, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.8770283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

no coincidences

can some legit anons take a read and tell me i am full of shit if need be or if there is merit in this dig?


1- link Q gave us for Out of Shadow-📁


2- the YT address is: MY8Nfzcn1qQ


3- characters 1, 2 and 11 = MY Q (heads up to anons)


4- characters 3, 7 and 10 = HCQ (cure relevant now)


5- remaining characters= 4,5,6,8,9 = Nfzn1


6- search results of Nfzn1 directed me to YouTube video of millions!


7- Account owner DZ Teacher updated 4.1.2020


8- Vids are arabic (me thinks)

a) Business Ethics 3:35 (Q335 no coincidences)

b) Ancient Civilizations- babylon, egypt, pharaoh, sumerian, greek, maya, islam, conquest, trade, empire, defeat religion 4:16 (Q416 soros)

Q 416:

Soros takes orders from P.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


9- Search Link results: (note NfCN1 playlist)


10- Ancient Civilizations link address: (note NfCN1)


11- Business Ethics link address: (note NfCN1)


me really thinks this is not a coincidence and is a message from Q to THEM which would be sniffed out with AI.

Message is GS is going down, answers to the bloodlines of the Pharaohs and reason will be his corruption and business ethics of which he defiled every human ethic to detriment of the world Q335 says no coincidences and Q416 says GS works for P, Day of Days and Game Over!

Anonymous ID: 24768f April 12, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.8770398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVFEFE= Covid + Iron (Fe)

(Negative pressure) Covid treatment using Iron Lung Device.


Coronavirus: Reinvented ‘iron lung’ technology could help save the NHS, say experts


A negative pressure ventilator, also known as iron lung (colloquialism) or pulmotor (generic trademark), is a mechanical respirator which enables a person to breathe on his or her own in a normal manner, when muscle control is lost, or the work of breathing exceeds the person's ability.


Its use is largely obsolete in modern medicine, as superior breathing therapies have been developed[citation needed], and due to the eradication of polio in most of the world.

However, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic revived some interest in the device as a cheap, readily-producible substitute for positive-ventilation ventilators, which were feared to be outnumbered by potential victims temporarily needing artificially assisted respiration


(we have heard how ventilators can do harm since CV19 resembles altitude sickness perhaps, ventilators are positive pressure and iron lung is negative pressure.)

Anonymous ID: 24768f April 12, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8770494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0552 >>0596 >>0649 >>0655 >>0697

Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About


These include suspension of habeas corpus by the president (not by Congress, as assigned in the Constitution), detention of United States citizens who are suspected of being “subversives,” warrantless searches and seizures and the imposition of martial law.


The most notable aspect of presidential emergency action documents might be their extreme secrecy. It’s not uncommon for the government to classify its plans or activities in the area of national security. However, even the most sensitive military operations or intelligence activities must be reported to at least some members of Congress. By contrast, we know of no evidence that the executive branch has ever consulted with Congress — or even informed any of its members — regarding the contents of presidential emergency action documents.


The president is right. Some of the most potent emergency powers at his disposal are likely ones we can’t know about, because they are not contained in any publicly available laws. Instead, they are set forth in classified documents known as “presidential emergency action documents.”


These documents consist of draft proclamations, executive orders and proposals for legislation that can be quickly deployed to assert broad presidential authority in a range of worst-case scenarios. They are one of the government’s best-kept secrets. No presidential emergency action document has ever been released or even leaked. And it appears that none has ever been invoked.


Presidential emergency action documents emerged during the Eisenhower administration as a set of plans to provide for continuity of government after a Soviet nuclear attack. Over time, they were expanded to include proposed responses to other types of emergencies. As described in one declassified government memorandum, they are designed “to implement extraordinary presidential authority in response to extraordinary situations.”

Anonymous ID: 24768f April 12, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.8770541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0625 >>0678


Tennessee: Muslim Stabs Three Women to Death at Truck Stop, Motive Unclear:


Idris Abdus-Salaam, 33, a truck driver from Durham, North Carolina, on Tuesday pulled into the Pilot Travel Center on Strawberry Plains Pike in Knoxville, Tennessee, got out of his truck, pulled out a knife, and went on a stabbing spree. He stabbed three women to death and injured a fourth. When confronted by police, Abdus-Salaam refused to drop his weapon and was shot dead. According to Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) spokeswoman Leslie Earhart, authorities are still trying to determine his motive. But will they miss an obvious clue that is right in front of their faces?


The three women Abdus-Salaam killed were all employees of the Pilot Travel Center. The fourth victim, who is in the hospital fighting to recover from the wounds Abdus-Salaam gave her, was a customer. If Abdus-Salaam knew any of them personally, the fact has not been reported. It may emerge that he did, but as of this writing, this looks like a random act of violence.


Predictably, investigators are pursuing the possibility that Abdus-Salaam was mentally ill. In this, they are following the lead of numerous authorities in the U.S. and Europe, who have ascribed incidents in which Muslims behaved violently to mental illness, often ignoring their jihad statements in order to do so. According to news reports, investigators found a notebook in his truck containing writings that suggested he was mentally ill, but none of these writings were released.


Abdus-Salaam may indeed have been mentally ill. However, if he was, his mother, Walidah Abdus-Salaam, was unaware of the fact – that is, if she is being honest. “He’s not a violent person,” she insisted. “The picture they painted is ugly.” She didn’t even believe her Idris was the one who went on the stabbing spree: “That is not my son. I don’t believe it, and I refuse to believe it until they can prove otherwise to me.” She said that there was no indication that Idris was suffering from any form of mental illness, “unless it developed recently and I’m not aware of it.”


However, the Knoxville News Sentinel reported that Walidah Abdus-Salaam said that her son was “a practicing Muslim,” although “his loved ones had no reason to believe he had become radicalized by any sort of religious fanaticism.”


Every practicing Muslim is not a terrorist, but every jihad terrorist is a practicing Muslim. Islamic jihad groups routinely explain and justify their activities on the basis of Islamic texts and teachings, and appeal to peaceful Muslims by claiming to be the authentic exponents of those texts and teachings. Numerous jihad terrorists have been nominal or non-practicing Muslims whose turn to jihad violence coincided with their becoming more devout in their observance of Islam – notably Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev.


In fact, the correlation between a new, deepened Islamic religiosity and jihad activity was so strong that the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies used to consider a sudden turn toward devoutness in Islam to be an indication that someone bore watching for possible engagement in terrorism. The Obama administration scrapped this in 2011 when it scrubbed all counterterror materials of all mention of Islam and jihad, for reasons of political correctness.


But the investigators were right the first time. And so the TBI should now be asking: how long has Idris Abdus-Salaam been a practicing Muslim? How devout is he? Where does he go to mosque, and what is taught in that mosque? But these questions and other important related questions will almost certainly not be asked. To ask them would be “Islamophobic.” And so one thing is certain: Idris Abdus-Salaam may not have been a jihadi, but other Muslims who are indeed jihadis will slip through the cracks when they could have been caught before they attacked.

Anonymous ID: 24768f April 12, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8770560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TRUMP’S MIRACLE DRUG: French Study of 1,000+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen.

This is wonderful news.

Unfortunately, this doctor’s work helps the the global community and Trump so the the liberal media has either ignored, attacked or mocked his research.

What awful people.


This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for a very sick 86-year-old with an advanced form of coronavirus infection.