Anonymous ID: 37db4f April 12, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8770194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0256 >>0687

World Health Org Omits Pro-CCP, ‘Human to Human Transmission’ Lie from It’s Own Coronavirus Timeline


Amidst an unprecedented attempt to shirk blame for the mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has now also begun to attempt to rewrite history. The organization, founded 72 years ago, has omitted key information from its own coronavirus timeline, ostensibly in an attempt to make it look better after accusations of WHO figures aiding China. On January 14th, the WHO is known to have parroted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) line that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission” of the COVID-19 coronavirus. But the entity’s own “timeline” of the event leaves said error out.


Instead, the WHO skips right from January 10th, when they issued an “advisory” on the coronavirus, to Jan 22nd, when members of the Emergency Committee said the event did not constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. This embarrassing misstep was corrected over a week later, after WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus came under increasing pressure to end his pro-China campaign.


Now the Global Times newspaper – one of the propaganda outlets of the Chinese Communist Party – is doubling down on the WHO’s omissions, providing the graphic above which conveniently leaves off one of the most damning events of the coronavirus saga to date. The paper lends pages to defending the WHO, claiming “the Trump administration failed to listen to the advice of the WHO”. Indeed following the advice of the WHO would have landed the United States in further peril.


In 2014 the World Health Organization issued guidance that actively discouraged travel bans upon the onset of a virus. “In 2009,” the WHO claimed, “a systematic review of studies based on such models revealed limited evidence of the effectiveness of restrictions in air travel – within and between countries – in the containment of pandemic influenza”. In other words, the WHO wanted to risk American lives to keep the country’s borders open, and keep potential infected Chinese nationals traveling into the United States. The latest from the WHO and China comes as President Trump ratchets up pressure, insisting the United States will cut funding from the WHO following its gargantuan failure to protect lives during the coronavirus pandemic, instead spending more time on public relations for the Chinese Communist Party.

Anonymous ID: 37db4f April 12, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.8770405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0466 >>0776

US fears Huawei coronavirus health tools are subterfuge for China to gather data on people


Flagship Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is offering global telemedicine services to counter the coronavirus pandemic, but U.S. analysts suspect the public health applications will extend China’s high-tech surveillance state overseas. “These things sound so wonderful that it's almost easy to forget how dangerous they are,” a senior U.S. official told the Washington Examiner. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has discouraged allies around the world from partnering with Huawei to build their cutting edge telecommunications networks, arguing that Beijing’s spy services will exploit the next generation wireless technology. Now, Huawei is attempting to follow the coronavirus into countries where public health officials are struggling to identify new cases and provide health care — with ominous implications for intelligence and national security. “Huawei is an extension of the Chinese state,” the Heritage Foundation’s Klon Kitchen, an expert in the national security and economic implications of technology policy, told the Washington Examiner. "Beijing and Huawei are demonstrating the agility and the ability to kind of take advantage of the moment, and they're continually trying to integrate themselves further and further into host nation infrastructure and services.”


Huawei officials have made no secret of their hope that they see their pandemic response as a potential tool to counter U.S. pressure. “The U.S. will continue to increase sanctions on us, and we will have to complete [the new technologies] before that happens,” Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said during a recent interview with the South China Morning Post. “Even when the West is feeling the mounting impact of the coronavirus, most of our projects can actually enhance their capabilities." The company says it has launched a platform to “use innovative technologies such as cloud and AI to fight the pandemic,” including diagnostic services such as “AI-assisted CT scan analysis.” Huawei has offered “remote temperature monitoring” services to India, one of the world’s largest economies and most important U.S. partners in the Indo-Pacific region. “5G remote imaging diagnosis platforms for collaboration and 5G medical robots were also used to help care for quarantined patient,” Huawei India told local media. “The success of 5G applications in the public health domain could also inspire businesses in other sectors to leverage 5G's popularity and explore new applications of the technology.”


That candid marketing strategy, paired with the need to identify and isolate patients infected with the coronavirus as quickly as possible, might induce some health policy officials to import the same kinds of technology that Chinese telecommunications giants have provided to dictators in need of modern surveillance programs. “The same types of things that they use in networked health systems, software, and hardware are also applicable in other things,” a senior U.S. official told the Washington Examiner. “It's connectivity plus AI to make usable intelligence about that that you can exploit. So telemedicine becomes a huge dimension of that, of getting all the feeds and things and being able to make diagnoses or other things that give you intel about the person.” U.S. officials warn that all data provided to Huawei is available to Chinese intelligence analysts. “That information is going to be made available, by law, to the Chinese government, and therefore it is surveillance,” Kitchen emphasized.


The data collection needed to fight the novel coronavirus could be an intelligence officer’s nightmare if the information passes over Huawei systems, according to a former member of President Trump’s national security team. “This contact tracing? Contact tracing is really about listing out who you've been in contact with,” the Hudson Institute’s Rob Spalding, a retired Air Force general, told the Washington Examiner. “So if you're building a dossier on somebody, if you’re doing contact tracing, you know everybody they have a relationship with.” If Huawei can help public health officials with contact tracing, it could help Chinese spy agencies figure out, for instance, which government officials are spending the night with women who aren’t their wives. “The limits are only your own imagination,” the senior U.S. official said.


Note: Klon Kitchen= Kitchen is HOT? Who is Klon Kitchen?

Anonymous ID: 37db4f April 12, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8770582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0656

New York Times: ‘No Pattern of Sexual Misconduct by Biden’


The New York Times published an account of Tara Reade’s allegations of sexual misconduct against then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), concluding that there was “no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.” Reade filed a criminal complaint late last week in Washington, D.C., alleging that in 1993, when she worked for Biden as a staffer, he pushed her against a wall and forcibly penetrated her with his fingers, according to a report by Business Insider. Biden has denied the allegations. he Times summarized its own investigation, and findings, on Twitter in a thread.

Anonymous ID: 37db4f April 12, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8770656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0705


New York Times Deletes some portions : No Pattern of Sexual Misconduct