Anonymous ID: 4335a6 April 12, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.8770131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0174 >>0289

Dr. Fauci on CCP Virus: ‘Incorrect Information Was

Propagated Right From the Beginning’

April 12, 2020 Updated: April 12, 2020


"A member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force said the Chinese regime misled the world months ago when it said that the virus was only spread through animal-to-human transmission even though there were numerous cases of human-to-human transmission.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious diseases expert in the United States, said that after the pandemic subsides, the United States will investigate the early claims made by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."



Anonymous ID: 4335a6 April 12, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8770139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fears of ‘Wild West’ as COVID-19 blood tests hit the market



"This 2020 electron microscope image made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the spherical particles of the new coronavirus, colorized blue, from the first U.S. case of COVID-19. Antibody blood tests for the coronavirus could play a key role in deciding whether millions of Americans can safely return to work and school. But public health officials warn that the current “Wild West” of unregulated tests is creating confusion that could ultimately slow the path to recovery. (Hannah A. Bullock, Azaibi Tamin/CDC via AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Blood tests for the coronavirus could play a key role in deciding whether millions of Americans can safely return to work and school. But public health officials warn that the current “Wild West” of unregulated tests is creating confusion that could ultimately slow the path to recovery.


More than 70 companies have signed up to sell so-called antibody tests in recent weeks, according to U.S. regulators. Governments around the world hope that the rapid tests, which typically use a finger-prick of blood on a test strip, could soon ease public restrictions by identifying people who have previously had the virus and have developed some immunity to it.


But key questions remain: How accurate are the tests, how much protection is needed and how long will that protection last.


The blood tests are different from the nasal swab-based tests currently used to diagnose active COVID-19 infections. Instead, the tests look for blood proteins called antibodies, which the body produces days or weeks after fighting an infection. The same approach is used for HIV, hepatitis, Lyme disease, lupus and many other diseases.


Because of the relative simplicity of the technology, the Food and Drug Administration decided to waive initial review of the tests as part of its emergency response to the coronavirus outbreak.


Right now, the tests are most useful for researchers studying how the virus has spread through the U.S. population. The government said Friday it has started testing 10,000 volunteers. The White House has not outlined a broader plan for testing and how the results might be used.


With almost no FDA oversight of the tests, “It really has created a mess that’s going to take a while to clean up,” said Eric Blank of the Association for Public Health Laboratories. “In the meantime, you’ve got a lot of companies marketing a lot of stuff and nobody has any idea of how good it is.”


Members of Blank’s group, which represents state and local lab officials, have urged the FDA to revisit its lax approach toward the tests. That approach essentially allows companies to launch as long as they notify the agency and include disclaimers. Companies are supposed to state that their tests have not been FDA-approved and cannot rule out whether someone is currently infected."



Anonymous ID: 4335a6 April 12, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.8770150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump calls COVID-19 'the plague' in Easter video message

Trump told people to stay out of church to help in the battle

against the virus.

April 12, 2020, 1:40 PM


"While many countries around the world and cities in the U.S. are pointing toward positive signs that social distancing might be finally flattening the curve, the novel coronavirus death toll continues to be staggering with at least 112,000 deceased.


The U.S. is the global leader in the number of cases and deaths. More than 21,418 people in the U.S. have died as a result of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new respiratory virus, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. At least 532,000 people in the U.S. have tested positive and over 2.6 million Americans have been tested for the disease.


Worldwide, more than 1.8 million people have been diagnosed since the virus emerged in China in December. The actual numbers are believed to be much higher due to testing shortages, many unreported cases and suspicions that some governments are hiding the scope of their nations' outbreaks."



Anonymous ID: 4335a6 April 12, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.8770152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Forces Korea contractor tests positive for coronavirus

after weeks in quarantine


Published: April 12, 2020


"SEOUL, South Korea - An American contractor who works at Camp Humphreys tested positive for coronavirus Sunday after more than two weeks in quarantine, the military said.


It was the 22nd case affiliated with U.S. Forces Korea since the pandemic took hold in South Korea in late February.


The military also announced Saturday that the wearing of face masks is mandatory in on-base shopping facilities, post offices and food courts, and is encouraged for people who cannot stay six feet apart in other public areas and workspaces.


People affiliated with USFK also were encouraged to wear masks when outside in local communities “as a courtesy and sign of solidarity” in the fight against the virus.


The contractor had not visited Camp Humphreys since March 26 and had been directed by supervisors to self-quarantine since March 30 because he had been in direct contact with another person who tested positive, USFK said.


It didn’t give more details. However, that was the week that two other contractors and an American soldier who worked at Eighth Army headquarters tested positive, prompting the garrison to further restrict access and order most service members and others to shelter in place except for essential activities."



Anonymous ID: 4335a6 April 12, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.8770449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0593 >>0601 >>0620

Trump likes virus briefings. Some advisers worry he likes

them too much

By Steve Holland 3 hrs ago


"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cooped up in the White House, President Donald Trump sees the coronavirus briefings as his main outlet of the day, a reminder for Americans that he is in charge of managing the greatest crisis of a lifetime. Plus, the ratings are good.


Mike Pence, Donald Trump are posing for a picture: President Donald Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing in Washington© Reuters/YURI GRIPAS President Donald Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing in Washington

Some advisers, however, would prefer a less-is-more approach. They have quietly recommended he not spend so much time at the briefings to avoid being distracted from the challenge at hand and bickering with reporters.


"It's been suggested a few times, but he thinks it's just great, and all these ratings," said a source familiar with the situation.


After an initial bump, polls show approval ratings for Trump's handling of the pandemic have leveled off, a departure from the usual surge of support Americans typically show their president during a national crisis, such as the high ratings George W. Bush received after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


In a further blow, Trump is down against his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, in most recent national election polls, even though Biden has been reduced to appearing on video from a room in his home, unable to hold campaign events because of the virus."



Anonymous ID: 4335a6 April 12, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.8770474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0530 >>0553 >>0563 >>0570 >>0641 >>0713

Conservative lays waste to Trump and his enablers for

allowing the coronavirus to drive the US ‘straight off the cliff

Published 1 min ago on April 12, 2020


"In his column for the Washington Post, conservative Max Boot pointed out that, while the coronavirus is the worst at this time that ails the country, a close second is Donald Trump and his rabid supporters who have held the country up from stemming the deadly tide of the pandemic.


As Boot explained, “The most dangerous contagion we now confront is the coronavirus, which has killed more than 20,000 Americans and thrown more than 16 million out of work. The second-most-dangerous contagion is the conspiracy-mongering, hostility to science and outright irrationality promulgated by President Trump and his loudmouth media enablers,’before adding, “It will take intensive contact tracing to follow the spread of crackpot ideas: Is Trump infecting the cable news hosts, or are they infecting him? Suffice it to say, the president and his media fans are both afflicted with perilous misconceptions that are making the threat from the coronavirus far more acute.”


Noting that Trump had called earlier concern by Democrats about COVID-19 a “hoax,” Boot went on to lay waste to the president and his “media toadies.”"

