Anonymous ID: aaffcd April 12, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.8770376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Conspiracy theory that the new Corona is caused by 5G

runs around on the Internet

April 12, 2020 by Taylor Hatmaker


"Virus-related conspiracy theories are booming as efforts to slow the spread of the new coronavirus in the United States and most of the world are in full swing. Specifically, it is a false conspiracy theory that 5G technology has something to do with the new Corona. With the help of conspiracy therapists who have been listening to the 5G conspiracy for years, they have turned from darkness to a noisy mainstream.


Although there is scientific consensus on the basic medical facts about the new corona, researchers are still working on a virus that nobody knew about five months ago. Insufficient information provides an opportunity for ideas that are usually driven to the perimeter of the Internet to penetrate widely into pandemic discourses. A dangerous feature of an unprecedented global health crisis.


According to Yonder , an AI company that monitors online conversations that contain disinformation , conspiracy theories usually stay in the peripheral group, but quickly went mainstream during the epidemic.


According to the company's report on the disinformation of the new Corona, during this uncertain era, "unconventional, conspiracy ideas, rumors, warnings, and panics are accepted as mainstream." It is a phenomenon that explains the behavior of disinformation that is currently seen in the world.


The company estimates that "peripheral rumors" usually take six to eight months to move from the edge of the Internet to mainstream, but it appears to be three to fourteen days after the spread of the new corona infection.


"In the current infodemic, conspiracy theories and other forms of misinformation are spreading at an unprecedented rate on the Internet," Ryan Fox, Yonder's Chief Innovation Officer, told TechCrunch. Was. He believes that "small groups of very enthusiastic individuals" tend to have a tremendous effect on the spread of misinformation, as do 5G conspiracy theories.


The 5G conspiracy theory on the new Corona is new, but the conspiracy theory on 5G is not. "Disinformation about 5G from online groups such as QAnon and Anti-Vaxxers has existed for months, but is quickly becoming mainstream in connection with the new corona." Fox says.


According to Wired reports, a false 'new corona 5G cause' seed was seeded in Belgium in late January, suggesting that 5G technology could pose a health risk and be linked to the virus. Could have been an interview with a doctor. Shortly after the interview, Dutch-speaking anti-5G conspiracy therapists took up the theory and spread it on Facebook pages and YouTube channels where other 5G conspiracy theories were already circulating. Somewhere in the process, the cell phone towers to arson who began to appear in the UK. Government officials consider the activity to be related to misinformation about the virus. But the tower is clearly the wrong target. "Because of the slow adoption of 5G in the UK, many of the destroyed towers do not have 5G, and the attacks only damaged 3G and 4G equipment," the Guardian reported .


This week, conspiracy theories have become mainstream , not only gaining momentum among actors John Cusack and Woody Harrelson and other truly celebrities, but also their Twitter And spread a fake 5G conspiracy theory to a large number of Instagram followers.


The new 5G Corona conspiracy theory has just taken off, but it is by far the only pandemic disinformation that runs online. Early on in the crisis, information on fake treatments and preventive care provided scammers with an opportunity to earn. Even after social media companies announce an aggressive policy to crack down on the most erroneous information , fraud and conspiracy theories remain room to steal AI eyes. Some scammers sell products on YouTube, such as powdered supplements, that shun the target word, such as the "Corona virus," which alerts automated systems, and claims to prevent the virus. With human moderators on standby at home , YouTube and other social platforms are more dependent on AI than ever before."



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