Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8770184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0262

Disclosure, Elections, Arrests.


Q we want first crack at the elected officials who were traitors. Please let us destroy their careers with our votes FIRST, then you can do what you want with them.


America CALLS DIBS on dirty Politicians.

Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.8770236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NEVER have we voted all the sorry ass incumbents out AT ONE TIME. America - are you ready to lay waste to Senators and Congressmen that have REPEATEDLY and KNOWINGLY lied to you for 20+ years?


Q, hands off the scumbags. We get to exercise OUR VOICE in November 2020.

Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.8770344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0406

Q, I don't want the traitors to bitch about the DOJ or USMC taking them down. Q, I want them on the 2020 ballot. I want the traitors to be vanquished at the hand of the American People at the ballot box.

Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.8770402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let the traitors to America fall first by the hand of the American Voter. Then let Justice grind their bones to dust.

Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.8770450   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I trust the plan, Q, Q+, White Hats and the American People.


Vote the traitors out in November. The American People should ALWAYS get first dibs on traitors.

Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.8770483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0532 >>0570 >>0704




Anybody that intimates that Liz Crokin is a Q denier is a damn liar. Liz quotes Q all the time people.

Liz has been smeared from day 1 for putting children entrapped in human trafficking first. The MSM tried to destroy her. Trolls are now trying to destroy her. She was suspended from Twitter more times than I can count.


Liz Crokin is solid as they come.

Anonymous ID: bd568f April 12, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.8770523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0537 >>0544

You haven't seen the last traitors in our movement switch sides yet. They're being saved for the very last (fog of confusion while elites attempt to escape).


It will get much worse with the troll situation. Stay strong Anons.