Anonymous ID: e79848 April 12, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.8770249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0324 >>0424 >>0455 >>0489

A conspiracy about mass CEO resignations is ignoring the


Something is afoot… but not what conspiracy theorists think.

Apr 12, 2020, 8:11 am

Mike Rothschild


"Are high-level CEO’s really resigning in droves under the cover of the coronavirus pandemic?


According to a popular meme going around social media, they are.


In fact, 19 leaders of gigantic companies have all left their posts since COVID-19 took over the headlines. And we’re all too distracted by the torrent of pandemic headlines to realize what’s really going on here: deep state-aligned industry titans are running for the hills before they’re brought down by President Donald Trump and his team of patriots."



of course it is a hit piece Watch the water all of it

Anonymous ID: e79848 April 12, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.8770270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0347

Infotrash | Operation Coronavirus 2020, adrenochrome and

Satanist pedophiles

Posted on 04/12/2020 by Aigerim Mekisheva and Pavel Bannikov


"Based on numerous (indeed numerous, we did not even expect) requests from readers, we analyze the conspiracy theory about the "Hollywood sect of pedophiles", coronavirus and adrenochrome. And a little about Bill Gates , where would you go without him. Impatient, we’ll immediately tell you about the results: 1) Andrenochrome is not a drug and is not similar to heroin , it is not even included in the list of prohibited substances and is quite legally sold. 2) The conspiracy theory was launched no earlier than 2017 and is a mix of a huge number of other conspiracy theories . During this time, she managed to grow a large number of followers. 3) All points of the theory are manipulative, invented or falsified (as is the case with Gates) and are not much different from the version of the secret world government of masons or reptilians. 4) The "new" theory uses a huge number of long-debunked fakes . Warning - take care of the brain by reading the background. You may not have seen such nonsense. Go! Background On April 4, the post “Operation Coronavirus 2020” or the arrest of half of Hollywood ” was published on the portal . Summary of theory: Under the guise of quarantine, Trump decided to cleanse the world of pedophiles from Hollywood (Madonna, Tom Hanks, Quentin Tarantino, etc.), the establishment of the Democratic Party (Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Bush Jr.), as well as The Vatican. In the same list, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, the Queen of England, the world government - all prepared "500 thousand indictments." Attention! - All of them use adrenochrome, obtained from the blood of children sacrificed by these vampire-satanists from the world elite. Without adrenochrome - they quickly age and begin to suffer from drug “breaking” . However, you can’t tell better than the author of the post and the authors of dozens of YouTube videos. Just rewind to watch the video below."



a russian hit piece Watch the water

Anonymous ID: e79848 April 12, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.8770567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US ‘could have saved lives’ with earlier action, Fauci says

1 hour ago


"The US could have prevented more deaths from coronavirus with earlier intervention from government and health officials to contain the spread of the virus, according to Donald Trump's infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci.


"I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives. Obviously. No one is going to deny that," Mr Fauci said in an interview on Sunday with CNN's Jake Tapper.


"But what goes into those kinds of decisions is complicated," Mr Fauci said, cautioning against coming down too harshly on government officials for how they responded to a complicated pandemic on which scientists had very little reliable data while they weighed other risks to shutting down the economy.


"But you're right. I mean obviously if we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then," Mr Fauci said.


By mid-day Sunday, more than 21,000 Americans had died from Covid-19. Officials have reported more than 525,000 cases. Both numbers are the highest of any country in the world, though some other countries have higher per capita death and infection rates."



Anonymous ID: e79848 April 12, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8770576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0641 >>0713

Trump's developer friend Stanley Chera dies of coronavirus

April 12, 2020 Updated: April 12, 2020 11:46 a.m.


"WASHINGTON (AP) — A friend and donor to President Donald Trump who the president had said was in a coma and seriously ill after becoming infected with the coronavirus has died.


Stanley I. Chera's death Saturday was reported by The Real Deal, which covers the New York real estate industry. The publication cited unidentified sources who have worked with Crown Acquisitions, the firm Chera founded and ran. Chera was in his late 70s.


A White House official on Sunday confirmed Chera's identity and ties to the president. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details about Trump's personal friendships.


Trump had spoken at recent White House briefings about a friend who had fallen ill with the virus, which has killed more than 20,600 Americans as of midday Sunday, according to Johns Hopkins University.


Trump first spoke about his friend as he described the “viciousness” of the disease on March 29.


“I had a friend who went to a hospital the other day. He’s a little older, and he’s heavy, but he’s tough person,” Trump said. “And he went to the hospital, and a day later, he’s in a coma … he's not doing well.”


“The speed and the viciousness, especially if it gets the right person, it’s horrible. It’s really horrible,” he said.


The president, who is 73, alluded next to having “friends” who were ill."

