Anonymous ID: 17daa2 April 12, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.8770810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rappaport hates POTUS, even on Easter. From a previous posting, I enlarged the painting behind him. Had to use a little Photoshop to eliminate all traces of his presence cuz I despise Hwood filth. His twitter feed is a cabal who's who of garbage.

Anonymous ID: 17daa2 April 12, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8770930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1297

Long time QR anons, my worst fear about this entire plan appears to be coming true. There is not going to be a dramatic shutdown of MSM with an EAS message by POTUS announcing the arrests of high profile treasonous criminals. This entire Q op was created to change the DS/Dem/Hwood narrative, to gather and enrage a percentage of the population by using all manner of emotionally charged (both real and exaggerated) disclosures about who controls us, to push back and demand justice, and as a voting block to ensure another 4 years to maybe begin holding the crooks responsible.


This idiot virus scare…the scum of the Earth got away with it. POTUS and our military couldn't/wouldn't do a thing about it. So here we are, playing their game, buying time, sucking it up through our idiot masks which are now only worn to avoid being fined.


If ever there was a villain who deserves nothing more than a violent end, a significant number of Americans have become that villain, and deserve that fate, along with their rotten to the core leaders and mouthy propagandists. Historically, we know what happens when this dynamic of two extreme opposites meet. Inevitable, righteous slaughter. Us or them. Winner take all.


Q+ are clearly trying to prevent this from happening. However, they clearly used that scenario to draw our attention back in November of 2017. While never negating the possible reality of that dramatic scenario, hanging it out there as incentive to stay tuned, they then proceeded to harness and direct us to do all we can to first allow a theoretically uncompromised and principled legal system the chance to do their job.


So here we are, going on year three. The dramatic shutdown may still be part of the plan, but only as a last resort, or an option they can use at any time (keeps the assholes worried). Before that "risky" (risky to Q+/mil, essential to me) move, we have to slog though this 2020 election, hoping to eke out a win against all their weapons of fear, FF, hatred, removing more of our freedoms, mind control and voter fraud.


More shit show. Get used to the taste of feces, because that is what will be fed to us for the next several months while countless good people continue to suffer. You can probably tell from my attitude I don't think the system can do the job. Too compromised, corrupt, stupid, no hurry, job security, misplaced loyalties, easily swayed by fake polls, fear, all the usual suspect reasons why evil succeeds.


Q+, Mil: Just letting you know there are a whole lot of us ready and willing to rain hot lead if needed. If not, then you will our full encouragement and support while the professionals do the job. If that happens beginning tomorrow, a big sigh of relief will be heard above the sound of booms and screams of anguish by all the sack of shit useless idiot Dems who dug their own graves. I can't wait to see all the videos you have lined up during the MSM shutdown. Best show on Earth! OSCAR winners for sure!


Happy Easter! Glory be to God!