Anonymous ID: 483bec April 12, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8771034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1050 >>1062 >>1078 >>1128 >>1310 >>1377 >>1487


It's not 'Jesus Christ'; it's Jesus 'the Christ. Christ is a title, not a name; it means 'the Anointed', as in Jesus, the Anointed One; Jesus, the Messiah!


Same goes for Cæser (read Kæser, where Kaiser and Czar come from); it's also a title (and also Julius, as in Julius Cæser isn't an own name, either; it's gis family's name, 'Caius' was his name: Caius Julius, the Cæser).


Peace, fam.