Anonymous ID: f0929d April 12, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.8771177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1299

Some questions for the closed-minded Anons with cognitive dissonance:


1) Are you ok with Q team knowing there are cures for all the terminal illnesses, but they aren't available yet and people are still dying from them?


2) Are you ok with all the known pedophiles and child molesters still roaming free?.. who knows what they do in their ample spare time


3) George Soros is still free, still using OUR taxpayer money and causing REAL damage


4) We know who created the Coronavirus, and we know it was released in Wuhan in Nov or Dec… we know its not as dangerous as the media is making it out to be, yet our country is still shut down and real people ARE hurting… even some suicides because of the perpetuaed fear from the media


5) MK Ultra still running


I trust the plan, but I also have issue with these


Now cue the retards