Anonymous ID: f75a58 April 12, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.8771275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1308

Storm related? For those who don’t know, bearableguy123 is, for lack of better words, the “qanon” of xrp’s community.


I know how most of yall feel about crypto.. just be patient please. I just want to note, that I believe xrp will be used by all the banks and for international payments. Every bank account will have an electronic wallet built in, ach and electronic check and bank wire will be obsolete. All electronic payments will use ripple network. You won’t even have control of it. All transactions to and from accounts will transfer instantly from fiat or whatever currency dollar/euro/pound etc to xrp, get to its destination and be converted back to its respective currency.


International payments, transfer from central banks. It’s merely going to be the electronic form of transferring money and thats it. An electronic money standard for ease of use globally. All countries will still have their own money and we would still have out gold backed banking(if all keeps to plan). This is merely a convenience technology and will allow the little shitty countries to participate and have banking services they never had before. I don’t think people really understand whats going on with this tech. Those that oppose it and those that invest and are for it.


I think that bitcoin was created by someone linked to the Rothschilds. I think xrp is there to completely further displace the banking cartels networks and all the fuckery that goes on. We need transparency in our electronic transactions. Or else these people pull the shit off they do behind the scenes. This is an un fuckable set and forget payment network that instantly bridges and converts any two currencies.


Fuck sakes anons I can’t dig this shit alone im trying to make a case here for this i’ve been keeping track of xrp and this bearableguy123 shit for 3 years. I believe bearableguy123 popped up around the same time as Q. I have no proof at this time that there is a relationship between the Qanon operation and bearableguy123 but there are clues and things like that definitely are in line with whats been happening. Q and Potus wouldn’t endorse a certain crypto because that would seriously fuck things up and think about how many of you anons would flock to the exchanges to buy it if he did. If its part of the plan it needs to be low key af and perhaps someone at ripple is a patriot and part of Q and leaving clues for xrp community. The xrp community is fantastic people, full of hope. They all want the American dream like us.


Patriots. Think for a min. If it was something that the cabal wanted, why is not shilled here HARD. Or at least shilled at all even sometimes? Why wouldn’t it be promoted more? In fact, on other forums and communities and comment sections, i see it being attacked CONSTANTLY. Constantly. It is hated by many. WHY? Its not bad anons. Its good. It will be something that links all economies but not in a bad way. Merely an efficient, non mineable, crypto and payment network with a fixed amount of coins that’s infinitely scalable, easily and quickly and transparently transfer value from one place to another and IS decentralized while still having a precious metal backed national economy with its own currency. You will still have cash and coins. Still pay for things with cash. It will just be medium of transfer when paying electronically.


Anons, i could be totally fucking retarded, i could be on to something, i work a lot i suck at researching im tired af. I’m probably never going to be able to put together presentable research on this and im stuck phone fagging.


Im sure many of you have a lot of issues with this and the last thing i want to do is distract anons and waste bread. Im asking for the competent and the autists for help. I would like to make a bread dedicated to xrp and bearableguy123 research from the first bearable guy clues until now and all the shit that has happened and the events that have been happening in relation to the patriots dismantling this old guard economy.


I mean anons. LOOK AT THAT CLUE. if anything use your damn heads anons and LOOK. the fucking storm? The fed merging with the treasury? Cutting the power off from the king?(Rothschilds??)