Anonymous ID: f7e1b2 April 12, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8770821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0847 >>0888 >>0904 >>0959 >>0961 >>1184 >>1223 >>1331 >>1387 >>1436

Possible forecast of current pandemic


Anon’s are familiar with Tom Clancy and his books, ‘Hunt for Red October” (1984)and “The Sum of All Fears” (1991). These, specifically, were given to us by Q. This anon will add another Clancy novel that we might have missed, “Executive Orders” (1996).


Plot of Executive Orders:


Foreign power wants to bring down the USA. They get their hands on a strain of Ebola, genetically make it more lethal and aerosolize it. The attack was accomplished by employing about 30 agents to release the bioweapon on commercial airliners, large conventions and public spaces in major metropolitan areas.


As their main bioweapon was incubating in citizens and starting to break out, they initiated sporadic terroristic events across the Nation; none seeming to be connected to the others, to deflect attention from the growing pandemic.


The Ebola outbreak starts; spreads like wild fire and within a few weeks, the President issues Executive orders to shut down the United States of America; restricts all travel, shelter at home. He is vilified by Congress, fake news and many citizens across the country for doing this. His actions saved the USA.


Does any of this sound familiar?


Have planned FF been averted by POTUS? Just wondering.


This anon has taken on the job of reading all of Tom Clancy’s books, in order of publication. Someday I hope to have the energy required to source pages of the following issues and words that Q has pointed us towards that are contained in Clancy’s books, such as, “D5”, red doors, child trafficking, branding, don’t talk in front of your computer”, Fveys, etc. (and so much more).


Remember, “The Sum of All Fears” was dedicated to, none other then, ADRMIAL MIKE RODGERS.


This anon believes there is a connection between Clancy and “the Plan”.


Clancy KNEW. Makes anon wonder about his death.

Anonymous ID: f7e1b2 April 12, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.8770879   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon has read it. Again hope to share entire series with board when I can get the energy to do that. Will be in the side-view mirror at that point, I suspect.