Anonymous ID: accf8a April 12, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.8771606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1757 >>1830 >>1976 >>1978 >>2187 >>2267


Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About

Given that they could make their first appearance in the coronavirus crisis, Congress should insist on having full access to them.


article is behind paywall

Anonymous ID: accf8a April 12, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.8771651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1676 >>1707 >>1709 >>1731

>>8771410 lb


>It said an empty warehouse

it said it was used as a warehouse


For years, this massive building in Los Angeles lay abandoned. It was a building filled with a long history if secret rituals. Just because it closed didn't mean the rituals ended. While the building was technically for sale, this was the location that true believers came. They were tired of the homogenized, watered down version of what their society used to be. They wanted to return to what it was in the Middle Ages. So, it was rented by the head of a studio. A big studio. A studio that seemingly has tentacles in every part of entertainment and media.

It was ostensibly rented to be an overflow warehouse of props and costumes because it was near an area used for a lot of filming.


It was never going to be that though because the building could be sold at any time. Instead, it was used for the rituals that stopped being performed two hundred years ago except for one other location in Virginia, and even they only perform the rituals once every few years.


Los Angeles was different. Every star loves a show. They especially love a dark show where they are the only ones invited. The head of the studio rented it an paid the initial bills, but the person who called themselves Tubal Cain is an A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is not someone you would think of to be leading a group like this. In today's society, the vows you take don't carry any weight. The rituals are just words. This group of about 75 people took them seriously. They acted them out. No secret handshakes for this group. They have four dots tattooed to them perfectly aligned to a compass. One tattoo artist does it for everyone. I say does. A few months ago, it would have been did.


One day the realtor told the studio head that the property had been sold and they would have to vacate. The place had always been for sale, but who would buy it? It was massive. Someone did. That person was approached and the space was allowed to be used for six months and after that, no more. After the six months, they really had no place to go. This was not something you could do at a home. They needed space to be able to watch a virgin have sex on an altar. In another part, I will tell you how they found the virgins. Anyway, they had to leave. For the next few years, every single member used their power to make the lives of the new owner miserable until finally they gave in. It was quick. It was when they threatened to release a secret that would devastate the owner. Overnight, it was theirs again and has been for the past several months. Self isolation doesn't apply to them. Drive by at night and see the glow of the lights

Anonymous ID: accf8a April 12, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.8771676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707 >>1710


>it was near an area used for a lot of filming.

maybe we should be looking for a building near the old hospital because the hospital used to be a film location


Posted in Southern California July 27, 2016 by Beth

Exploring This Abandoned California Community Hospital Would Leave You With Nightmares

The Linda Vista Community Hospital had a relatively short life of operation, running from 1901 to 1991. Yet in that time, the activity that went on there was strange enough to warrant paranormal investigations that continue today. With its long empty corridors and broken window panes, the hospital has also been the site of horror films and other productions. Learn more about this haunted building and see if you dare to visit what some consider to be the most haunted place in the state.

Anonymous ID: accf8a April 12, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.8771710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A darker part of the hospital's history implies that there may have been malpractice. The high death count might have been attributed to more than just gang violence in the nearby area. Some reports suggest that even the simplest of procedures and operations were done poorly. Paranormal investigators believe this to be a reason for trapped spirits to haunt the site.

Those who visit Linda Vista report intense claustrophobia. On several occasions, visitors report a paralyzing fear after having seen an apparition right before their eyes. One of the most haunted rooms in the building is the 1st floor trauma room, where the ghost of a little girl is said to reside.

Anonymous ID: accf8a April 12, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.8771874   🗄️.is 🔗kun





These documents consist of draft proclamations, executive orders and proposals for legislation that can be quickly deployed to assert broad presidential authority in a range of worst-case scenarios. They are one of the government’s best-kept secrets. No presidential emergency action document has ever been released or even leaked. And it appears that none has ever been invoked.

Given the real possibility that these documents could make their first appearance in the coronavirus crisis, Congress should insist on having full access to them to ensure that they are consistent with the Constitution and basic principles of democracy.


For example, a Department of Justice memorandum from the Lyndon B. Johnson administration discusses a presidential emergency action document that would impose censorship on news sent abroad. The memo notes that while no “express statutory authority” exists for such a measure, “it can be argued that these actions would be legal in the aftermath of a devastating nuclear attack based on the president’s constitutional powers to preserve the national security.” It then recommends that the president seek ratifying legislation from Congress after issuing the orders.

Much less is known about the contents of more recent presidential emergency action documents — but we do know they exist. They undergo periodic revision to take into account new laws, conditions and concerns. The Department of Justice reviews the proposed changes for legal soundness, the Federal Emergency Management Agency plays a coordinating role and the National Security Council provides policy direction and final approval.