We Got This!
It don't matter if you're black or white
we've already fought this battle….can we just move on
can we just go back to pre-obama
can't we just go back to pre-obama
Just a side note - We can re-use the rope. So do not let that be a deterrent to anyone! (lol)
I do to…my prayers that enough people still remember pre-obama…and can rescue the generation that grew up in the 8 years during the 8 year fiasco..and we can lead that generation back to where we had once gotten and even better!
still working on a couple more
#IGotYourBackBrother #NoMoreDivideAndConquer #EbonyAndIvory #Reunited #LetNoManTearUsApart #LeatherAndLace #AmericanIsNotAColor #WeAreFamily
#IGotYourBackBrother #NoMoreDivideAndConquer
#EbonyAndIvory #Reunited #LetNoManTearUsApart