Anonymous ID: a4d686 April 12, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.8772539   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Wall Street Journal on August 22, 2013 revisited the Swift & Company meatpacking plant in Greeley, Colorado that was raided by ICE agents December 12, 2006. Some 260 unauthorized workers were detained in Greeley, and a total of 1,282 were detained at the six Swift plants raided that day in what ICE called its largest-ever workplace raid. Both Swift and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which represented the Greeley workers, denounced the raid.


Brazilian meatpacker JBS bought Swift in 2007, raised wages and recruited refugees to fill jobs. A sixth of the 3,000 workers in the Greeley plant in 2013 were refugees. The employee handbook is distributed in English, Spanish, Burmese and Somali.


Economists disagree on the impacts that low-skilled migrants have on similar US-born workers. Economic theory suggests that adding to the supply of a particular type of worker lowers wages for that group. George Borjas concluded that the wages of US born workers with less than a high-school education were five percent less in 2006 than in 1990 because of immigration. However, Giovanni Peri believes that employers react to an influx of low-skilled immigrants by using more labor-intensive production techniques. Peri also finds that US workers similar to migrants are "pushed" up the US job ladder by an influx of migrants to better jobs that take advantage of their English and familiarity with the US

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