Anonymous ID: fb0502 April 12, 2020, 5 p.m. No.8772980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3073


The dynastic Egyptians state that the pyramids and Sphinx were already there before them.


The Sumerian cuneiform has text saying the Ningishzidda created the pyramids. Interestingly Ninghishzidda is the son of the god who made men in his own image, Enki…look into the similarities with Ningishzidda (Sumer), Thoth (Egypt), Odin (Scandinavia), Quetzlcoatl (meso America), and others…very interesting. Basically the son of the god who made men, a healing teacher of wisdom, showing men the Way…and many other parallels..


Not saying for sure they are all the same being, manifest in different cultures and time periods…but it sure is interesting.