>so Orion must be the latest name.
But you are just guessing too.
The insiders said that MK Naomi involved bioweapons and crops. Not everything in department MK was about mind control.
And Monarch was not done by the CIA
The CIA's MK did the research to create the MK Ultra system.
Then they taught military psyops officers how to do it.
The military at places like Area 51, did the work of choosing soldiers, putting them through MK Ultra, and using them in ops.
Those Psyops officers retired from the service for various reasons.
Many of them went into private practice running "rehab" clinics where the star machine of Hollywood sent people to be turned into Mind Control slaves.
It as these retire psyops people who developed Monarch, because they were not creating assassins and super soldiers any more. Now they wanted performers.
Sitting on a board guessing based on rumor won't get you very far. You need to dig. You need toe read, a lot.