Anonymous ID: 691526 April 12, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.8774062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TY Baker!!!


>>8773263 (lb)

I did. Question:

Is it helpful to post "artful porn" even if your other posts are informative, or are they just posting "artful porn" to straddle the line of the profane vs prophetic? It sends the wrong signal of the intent behind the posts, and puts the good information in a suspect state; considering the source's other posts are distracting.


Think of it like this:

1 Corinthians 8 1-10.

Go read that, and come back.

What Paul is talking about here deals precisely with this exact premise. Paul says that he can sit at a table of those that eat meat that is sacrificed to "idols/gods", partake in that meal, and in his own conscience, he knows he's not "worshiping" that god in which the meat was sacrificed to. He knows he is a saved man in Christ, and that eating the meat is for sustenance; not worship. What if someone who is new to Christ witnesses this? Does that person think that Paul believes that his partaking of that is actually worship in conjunction with his own personally held beliefs? This type of behavior confuses the new comer; "Well, I know I'm seeking truth, and this other thing I'm doing over here is OK to continue doing!"


Sending the wrong signal may possibly be the case, and Paul is warning the disciples in Corinth to not partake, simply because it may confuse the young converts trying to remove their own conscience from the control of worship of false idols. In other words, abstinence from the profane for the sake of bearing witness to others.


Fast Forward to today, and posting "artful porn" while posting good digs. This anon dealt with porn addiction for years; I have no shame in admitting that. In many ways, me posting clothed beauties was a way of combating the shills trying to distract and tear down their bothers/sisters seeking truth. Yes, men and women deal with porn addiction. We're all human, and have similar desires.


The shills here are constantly at work to distract, divert, and disrupt. Many good-intentioned anons, and oldfags, might still be dealing with addictions they are trying to break free from. Porn is a big one, and though any of those anons might choke someone to death with their own bare hands for harming a CHILD in that way, their morals might waiver a bit in the realm of consenting adults in regards to that content. It doesn't make it right, and it doesn't mean everyone can handle that fact with the (spiritual) maturity to overlook, and keep on working for good. Many will see it, stumble, and start opening tabs that make them fall.


The good stuff that anons bring to this research environment can be done in ways that doesn't cause their brother and sister patriots to stumble. Q said:

>You are the news now.

>Handle w/ care.



Care for your fellow patriots; and care for the information you post, here. We are all red-blooded, human, and have our own afflictions and predilections. We're here to not only expose and exterminate evil, we're here to build each other up. If that means you need to go elsewhere to "sin", then do so, so that your fellow patriots can save this place for seeking TRUTH. Better yet, do your best to hit your knees, or go for a jog, or write a piece of work to keep from hitting those same pitfalls that cause you, and your fellow patriots to miss yours' and their mark. Take your "artful porn" somewhere else, and post your good digs here.


Distinguish yourself from knowing shills that aim to derail our efforts.

Anonymous ID: 691526 April 12, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.8774570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4588




Their religion also pushes eugenics. Think about how the "weak" are viewed in their circles. You might be on to something, but like another anon said, he "couldn't fly"; figuratively, and literally. Everyone has their breaking point. I'd like to think this anon would look for escape, too, from their horrors and evil.

Anonymous ID: 691526 April 12, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8774646   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Raises glass

I always enjoyed being chaotic good, myself. I once rolled a were-bear priest halfling when we had a fun session with lax rules going. Good times. It's probably why I butt heads with Q's methodology sometimes, too, even though I understand why it has to be this way.



Q's playing by the rules, and many can't get it; especially if they've never had experience with military (either as a green suiter or slimy contractor). The years I spent working for various gov't entities taught me some invaluable lessons about how to, um, "conduct business". I'll just say this:

When Q asked the question of whether or not your "Trust your military"? My mind answered with a resounding YES.