Anonymous ID: 702c5b April 12, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.8774386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4428 >>4438 >>4454




This post is the most important to identifying the soros/family Y shenanigans.

this line is very important:

>Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

SOROS is controlled by 3 families.

the 4th family was removed post Trump victory which most anons agree was the death of David Rockefeller.


Essentially in 2016 the hierarchy was

  • = Sauds

++ = Roths

+++ = "Family Y" (Which is not Soros as we can infer from this post)

++++ = Rockefeller


If you think historically, it makes a ton of sense chronologically.

The Vanderbilt family and their railroads came WAY before the Rockefeller fortune with Standard Oil.

In fact it was a Vanderbilt employee, Edwin Drake, of the New York New Haven railroad, the first railroad Cornelius Vanderbilt ever owned, who struck oil in PA proving it to be commercially viable.

JD Rockefeller's partner funded Edwin Drakes widow after his death ffs.

The Rockefellers answered to the Vanderbilts.

That's clear as day.

So if you believe this post, then all the other references to Family Y in Q posts are NOT soros, and NOT rockefeller.

The only Logical family is the Vanderbilts.


The YMCA in NY is named the Vanderbilt ffs.

every generation of Vanderbilts donated often.

So that's the logic of Vanderbilts = family Y, a little bit of Q and a little bit of almonds.

Anonymous ID: 702c5b April 12, 2020, 7:23 p.m. No.8774438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4461


Want to activate more?

The YMCA is based in Geneva,

and they have some cross over with another Geneva based global cult organization.

The WHO.


Who was founded by China, heavily lobbied by their representative to the UN, Szeming Sze.


The YMCA isn't just some fucking thing.

It's a globalhomo organization with tremendous influence.

The Y has it's own fucking connections to China during the 40s when the WHO was founded as well.

The "New Life Movement" in China was based off of the YMCA.

Anonymous ID: 702c5b April 12, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.8774550   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I think we're on the precipice of that.

A summary of what happened today which is ontop of pic related which has been a descent summary up until now.

POTUS dropped a quote from Mack McLarty whom we had sniffed out months ago being connected to the McCormicks in Chicago.

They used to own the International Harvester company, now known as Navistar.

IH purchased the American Transportation Corporation which produced school buses.

AmTran was formed by Mack McLarty and Bill Clinton.

From POTUS nudge this morning, we dug McLarty and discovered his connection to the Union Pacific Railroad, and thus followed the line to Long Beach Port because POTUS was harping on CHINA at the time as well.

Long Beach is important because Q outright highlighted it multiple times,

but it's also where the Vanderbilt steamships landed during the california gold rush.

It's also where the Chandler owned LA times was located, the ancestors of Rachel Chandler the Child Handler.

The same LA times who purchased the Vanderbilt owned Illustrated Daily.

The same LA times who's ceo now works for the McCormick Foundation.

The same LA times now owned by Tribune Media, previously owned by the McCormick family…

so you can see the importance of McLarty.

Q's recent post about Kissinger?

Kissinger McLarty Associates.

Trumps recent Twat about Home Depot today?

Look over here, but really this is what I mean:

Turns out McLarty is in business with Bob Johnson (Robert L Johnson) WHO WAS ON THE BOARD OF LOWES.

And lowes is based where?

Founded in North Carolina, headquartered in Chartlotte NC.

Payseur? Vanderbilt presence in NC?

What about connections to MCCormicks?

GoldToeMoretz formerly Mortetz Mills, supplied Under Armor with their needed textiles.

Underarmor CEO stepped down, he just so happens to own the former Vanderbilt estate "Sagamore."

Moretz MIlls also supplies Hickory Spring Manfucaturing who sells to IC Corporation which is the MODERN ITERATION OF AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION.

They're shuffling companies around but what remains the same is the cult.

And it's activities.

The hard part, per potus.


So through Bob Johnson and Lowes, can we dig up more Vanderbilt connections?

For all I fucking know Vanderbilt IS Payseur.

They certainly were in business with Lewis Cass Payseur, the former governor of the Michigan Territory.

You can find old court documents where one case is Lewis Cass Payseur buying up HUGE…TRACTS OF LAND

and the VERY NEXT CASE is the approval of a Vanderbilt owned railroad on that land.

Fuck me that was a good source. it's been a while, gotta dig it up again,

but you can begin to see where payseur/p whatever may possibly connect.