Anonymous ID: c9cc04 April 12, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.8774265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, I'm sure you know that those who are your biggest supporters are also the most alienated, outcast, "unemployable", and vulnerable. What are you doing right now for "the forgotten men and women"? Is this all about winning the next election and gaining mass momentem, while those in the dirt who are living week-to-week are expendible? Just keep retweeting and liking things for the freshly awakened norrmies on farcebook, youtool, and twatter. I hope that achieves your long-term goals. Meanwhile in the short-term, the outcast are starving and facing eviction for not being able to pay their overlords. Would appreciate it if you just admit that your "movie" is for the mass populace, and the bulk numbers for Novemeber are what matters, while the unfortunate few are destined to be unavoidable casualties in your 'silent war.'