Anonymous ID: cc4dbe April 12, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.8774625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-Parasitic Agent (Ivermectin) Abolishes Coronavirus Particles

Coronaviruses Have Been Known To Infect That Respiratory Tract Since 1965. The Cure For Coronavirus Infections Was Sitting Underneath The Nose Of Virologists All That Time

By Bill Sardi April 9, 2020


Anti-Parasitic Agent (Ivermectin) Abolishes Coronavirus Particles - LewRockwell


–Sun Apr 12 2020 21:34:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)


Key points:

• Ivermectin, a widely used anti-parasitic agent, is probably the world’s most profound anti-viral agent but inexplicably goes unused in the battle against human viral infections, such as COVID-19 coronavirus. Just a single dose of ivermectin abolishes COVID-10 coronavirus in a lab dish.

• Ivermectin works additively with zinc to control viral and bacterial infections.

• Ivermectin and zinc work, in part, by increasing ATP cell energy levels.

• Surprisingly, an extract of Panax red ginseng also exhibits similar anti-viral action to ivermectin.

• The cell energy currency adeno triphosphate (ATP) independently exhibits anti-viral activity.

• Given that ATP production in the body is dependent upon magnesium, indirectly this essential mineral is important in maintaining immunity from viral infections.

• Likewise, coenzyme Q10, a natural antioxidant produced in the body that facilitates ATP production, has also been found to have potent antiviral/anti-bacterial properties.


  • vitamin D is needed to absorb magnesium, zinc, throw some C in for good measure, ginseng, CoQ10. IMO good immunity guard